The sub that was with me first grabbed the key as we got closer to the door walking ahead and unlocking the door. She then turned around and said that they had a surprise for me and that I wouldnt be mad about this one because they knew how much i hated surprises. Secretlly I was hoping that they had convensed my greeneyed mystery to become one of my submissives. I slowly walked in after them as they ran off into a room attached to our room. I turned shutting and locking the door knowing that we would be in here most of the night. As the subs entered the room I noticed that there was a new sub following them and I realized that they had brought me a new sub to train and they knew how much i liked training new subs, but I was a little dissapointed when it wasn't my greeneyed mystery.

As they got into position sitting on there feet hands behind there backs and heads tilted down with there chins on there chest naked I smiled. I walked around the room looking at my equipment, a stage in the cornor, a bed in the middle of the room, a bathroom off to the side through an opening. There was a table with a couple of my favorite items. As I walked infront of them looking at the pure beauty as they offer there bodies to me. "Im going to go over the rules sense only two of you know what they are."

"Okay Master" all three of them say in unison.

"1st you will call me Master you may not call me anything else. 2nd I will not tolerate a sub that thinks that the attention should be on you the entire time unless its a one on one. 3rd You will not try to take the lead I am the master not you. 4th you will answer me when I talk to you. 5th you will not be with any other dominante while i am training you unless you and that dom come to me and i can tell that there is something pulling you guys together. 6th Anytime I am here you are to be dressed appropriatly not showing your body off to anyone else it is mine till you find your dom. Do you understand me clearly." I said as i leaned down infront of my new sub.

"Yes Master." She said

"Okay all three of you on the bed in that position." I said softly

As they got up to get on the bed I pulled one of my usual girls to me "Except you" I said as she looked at me.

"you will be training our new playmate." I comanded

"Yes master" She replied

I sat in a chair that I had brought in earlier today. I watched as my lead girl started to train my new pet. I watched as she showed her all the tools i used and what i expected when they were in a group and when i was alone with them. As she finished up I called them over pulling my new pet into my lap. "You two are dismissed." I said as they started to head to the door I pulled my new sub closer to me.

"We need to talk about some stuff. First I need to know your safe word so that if you cant handle something you can get out of it." I said

"Pineapple" she said and I wasnt surprised sense that was my other two subs safe word.

"okay at first we will start off slow letting you get use to everything but as time goes by you will need to learn everything and do what i tell you or there will be punishments. You can learn from the other two subs about what to learn so that you can get use to everything. You can have training lessons with them just ask them they know the routine." I said

"Okay master" She said

I lean forward and kiss her softly she instantly kisses me back and wraps her arms around me. I stand up holding her in my arms walking toward the bed. Sitting her on the bed she gets into position and waits for instructions. I climb onto the bed lifting her chin and starts to kiss her, she kisses back but doesnt move. I say "undress me pet."

She slowly starts to undress me but I stop her showing her the corect way to undress her master. As she trys again running her hands up my body as she takes my shirt off. Then places kisses on my chest down to my waistband slowly pulling the jeans i was wearing off. I stop her after that telling her to lay on the bed which she did immediatly.

I slid my hands up her body gently rubbing against her pussy feeling that she was already wet. Then continuing up to tease her nipple as I leaned down kissing her and biting and sucking on her neck. Leaving a my mark on her neck moving to her ear biting her ear lobe and whispering "Your mine now no one else is allowed to touch you like this your body belongs to me." Smiling as she moans and quivers beneath me.

As the night came to an end I couldn't get Nicki out of my head I felt like a peice of shit for leaving her like that I hope i didn't screw things up hopefully she still comes to our tree house. I left there after showering headed to my house for the night not wanting to do anything except finish smoking the joint in my hand and get some sleep.

Author note

I will post a story that tells about Me and My green eyed Mystery in my next story so that you don't get confused as to who I am talking about.

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