Unexpected visitor

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He wasn't her brother.
She knew that the moment she opened the door.
It was obvious, really. Her brother didn't have silver hair and would never let himself wear a Hawaiian shirt. Even considering all the differences, she could see something in him. He wasn't her Pietro, but something was connecting them. She simply couldn't pinpoint it.
"Wanda, who is this?"
Right. Vision. Her husband, her real husband, her real human husband and tall.
She knew she should tell him, introduce him to her brother. Her not so dead brother, that was somehow at her doorstep.
Multiple explanations came to her mind, but how do you explain to your not dead husband that your dead brother with the wrong face came to visit?
Instead, she contemplated her brother's face. It was all wrong, the chin, the nose. His eyes were brown, like hers, not blue like her brother's.
'Brown, like they were before the mind stone changed them, along with his hair.' She thought to herself.
"Pietro?" She asked, tentatively.
The silver haired man simply nodded his head. Just like that a door opened, a wave of grief, followed by an even bigger of relief washed over her. She hugged him tight, afraid he'd crumble, slipping from her fingers once again. She held on for a bit, the hug felt right, like a part of herself finally coming back to her. She felt his breathing as she held tight. He truly was here.
As she squeezed one last time, she felt a strange energy, but paid no mind. She had her brother, he was back, back in her life after so long. It didn't matter if he looked different and acted different or how something was definitely wrong here-

"Who's the popsicle?" Pietro asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
She turned to her husband, obviously still mad at how their discussion was interrupted so suddenly. They would have to continue later, but not right now her brother was here. What would Vision think of him? And how could he think she wasn't involved in his sudden visit?

"This is Pietro," she said as her brother took a step forward and held out a hand, grinning. "He's my brother."
At that revelation, the robot widened his eyes and looked at her with confusion and accusations, but shook his hand, nonetheless. He took in the visitor with a careful glance, as if he'd attack him at any given moment.

Ridiculous, he wouldn't do that. It's not something that would happen, not while she was in charge, she wouldn't let-

"Pleasure to meet you," Vision replied with his usual politeness. He let go of Pietro's hand before turning to his wife. "Well, it's pretty late, we better head to bed."
Just like that, the subject was dropped. Nothing was amiss. Of course, she wasn't in charge of any citizens, obviously there were children in Westview, especially since tomorrow was Halloween. They were all eager to go trick or treating, that's why they were asleep, in their bed, as any child at this time would be. There wasn't anything amiss, nothing out of the ordinary. This was the suburb after all.
"So... I know I came pretty late, but is there a spare bed somewhere I could crash into for the night?" Interrupted Pietro.
She looked at her brother, in his leather jacket and Hawaiian shirt. She didn't think he'd come, hadn't planned for it. She would make do with what she had for now. She'd make everything better by morning.

Like his silver hair.

"I'm afraid you'll have to settle for the couch for tonight," Wanda apologized. "I'll make sure you have a room tomorrow"
Pietro shrugged and sat on the couch, taking in the firmness of it before seemingly approving of his temporary bed. He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor before laying down.
As content as he seemed with his situation, Wanda knew that it wouldn't do. She got a blanket out of the spare closet and handed it to him. He took it with a smile, happy to have something to make his stay more enjoyable. He knitted his brows when she materialized a pyjama out of thin air.

"-doesn't make any sense, what kind of mutation- " Wanda frowned as she seemingly heard a thought from her brother. Any attempts at getting more information were fruitless, not because of her powers, but because Pietro just stopped that thought and is back to his normal behavior. He took the clothes and headed for the bathroom.
Vision walked up the stairs, pausing at the second step to give a look to Wanda, urging her to join him.
She does so, and they're in bed in a flash.

"Look, I'm sorry I was so harsh but after what Norm said-" started Vision.

"You have doubts in me," completed Wanda. Her sentence is followed by a nod from her husband. She breathed in, "I'm not lying when I say I don't know how any of this started. Truth is, I don't even know how Pietro got here."
That comment alerted the robot, who pressed her to continue, to explain herself. But she can't bring herself to. Her husband is here, alive, so is her brother. She has two wonderful children. The fact that she achieved this truly was a-
She shook away the voice of the Hydra doctor, who used to qualify her and Pietro as such.
With a wave of her hand, she closed the light and Vision laid down with a sigh, knowing he'd have to wait until morning to get any more answers.
'I'm holding your head, so you don't get whiplash.



Wanda was awakened by her brother's voice, younger, but still undeniably him. She doesn't understand how she can hear him; she doesn't remember him talking in his sleep-

'I'm here for my family too'

It takes a moment for Wanda to register what those unknown snippets of her brother's life are: memories. She's hearing his memories, probably something he's dreaming about. Although she couldn't understand any of it.
She flinched as she heard her brother's scream and a snap. She felt phantom pain in her leg and shook it to remind herself that none of it is truly happening. It can't, her brother never broke his leg, he died before-

She shook the thought away and shielded her mind. Her brother was here, he was sleeping, those memories weren't his. Probably something he picked up while watching tv. With that, Wanda closed her eyes and forced herself to go to sleep.
So, I was disappointed with how they dealt with Evan Peters' character, so I'll be writing the idea I had in mind for awhile.
I follow episode 5 and 6 with his character but from that point on, it's all me.
As much as I loved Agatha's reveal, this fan fiction will show more of what Wanda is in control.

Thank you for reading, reviews are welcome!

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