⋆The movie day⋆

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Today was movie day. Tony had the glamourous idea to give us some peace and practically begged Fury for a day off. When he finally agreed, Tony organized a movie night.

Everyone was lowkey excited, but no one let it show. No need to feed Tony's ego.

When the night finally arrived, Tony had brought tons of snacks, blankets, and pillows. The living room practically looked like a 10-year-old's sleepover.

Everyone arrived and settled in. You couldn't help but notice Bucky next to you, you've grown to like each other. He's only been here for a short period of time but you really clicked. As friends, of course.

We decided to watch maze runner, which you of course had already seen because you are not an uncultured swine, but most of the rest hadn't.

You got all the avengers to ship Newtmas, you maybe kinda sorta brainwashed them too.

 It got a little out of hand when the bonfire seen played and Thor yelled "NEWTMAS!"

When chuck died, a few (meaning Scott and you) were sobbing. The rest was used to it but Bucky wasn't, and he looked at me with a very concerned look. You swear you even heard him ask Steve if you were ok. Wich did make you feel better.

When Teresa called W.I.C.K.E.D everyone yelled "boo" at her and I was proud of my friends.

Then came death cure, I was already crying during the entire movie. No one of course knew why but they were gonna find out.

Then Newt died, some people were screaming, some people were sobbing, but we were all crying. Even if it was just one tear.

Everyone was gagging when Theresa and Thomas kissed, as they should.

Then Newt started reading the letter and the tears came again.

Someone, your guess is on Scott or Clint, yelled: "Why, God, Why!"

All the crying made you really tired and your eyelids started feeling very heavy. All of a sudden you felt some soothing but cold metal and snuggled up to it, not realizing what, or rather who it was.


All of a sudden he felt something heavy on his arm, it was y/n. For a moment he was frozen, then he just looked at how peaceful you were and just let you sleep.

"Okay, now that the movies are over, everyone back to their bedrooms, we'll clean this up tomorrow," Tony ordered.

"I guess it's just you and me,"  He whispered when everybody left. 

He knew that if he moved you would wake up.

So he just kissed your forehead and said "Goodnight, (Y/N)"


"Good morning people!" Tony said happily.

"Ugh" everyone responded, they were all still depressed after the movie of yesterday.

"Uh JARVIS, where are Bucky and y/n?" Tony asked intrigued.

Everywhere in the dining room, he saw heads pop up, interested in what was happening.

"In the living room sir" Jarvis answered.

"Both of them?" Steve asked confused.

"Yes sir" Jarvis answered.

Everyone stood still for a minute, looking at each other before running into the living room. What they saw there was something they never thought they see.

"Omg," Sam said dramatically.

You and the winter soldier were cuddling on the couch, your head on his chest and his arm around your waist, both peacefully sleeping.

I guess it's just me and youWhere stories live. Discover now