Chapter 10: Bloodbath

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"I have to kill you" Harry potter said.

"Mr potter please no" said Filius.

"I have to"

"AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort said.

"NO NOO" Harry yelled out but the curse bit Minnie she hit the ground dead.

"Avada Kedavra" Snape said quietly pointing his wand at Filius.

But Filius dodged it doing a somersault.

Once again Voldemort yelled "AVADA KEDAVRA"

This time the curse rebounded onto Voldemort and he fell to the ground.

Filius ran over and patted Voldemort's head.

Voldemort whisperd, shallow breathed, "At least I can see Bernard again"

"Nonononono, I loved you Voldemort"

And then Voldemort died.

Filius was very sad so he walked in front of Harry and asked "kill me too, I want to be with him"

"Professor I can't"



"Ok then" Filius ran over to the edge and jumped off. "I WILL SEE YOU AND BERNARD AGAIN" he yelled as he splashed into the water.

And him and Voldemort and Bernard lived rather happy life in the afterworld.


Please help what have I just written 😩

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