Chapter 9: The Wedding

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It had been a few weeks.


Filius was straighting his shiny green bow tie while Voldemort was polishing his shoes. They were due to get married in just a few hours.


The flashy white limousine drove up Infront of the cottage. Filius and Voldemort both got in and snogged for a bit.

The car drove up to the cliffs where Voldemort had proposed. It was now decorated in snakes and sparklers.

They both walked up to the spiky thorn arch at the edge and said.

"What happens at a wedding?"

"I don't know, I think you say I do then your married"

"Oh ok then 'I do'"

"I do"

The shared a big kiss and were very happy for a few moments. The limo driver played some pre recorded laughter because neither Filius or Voldemort had any friends.

They are some food and then Minnie showed up...

He won't kill me (Voldemort x Flitwick)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें