Chapter 2: Filius, is that you?

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Voldemort shouted "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD"

Everyone went silent. The chosen one was dead, everyone was going to be forced to follow Voldemort's orders. But Voldemort looked around and caught Filius's eye.

"Filius, is that you?"

Filius was scared but never the less he began to strut towards Voldemort. "Yes, its me"

Voldemort ran towards Filius, his cape billowing in the wind. When Voldemort got close enough he picked Filius up birling and twirling him around.
"Oh Filius, you should've told me, you were here, i would've never attacked then, you're too cute to die"

Filius shot a 'told you so' smirk to Minerva. She scowled.

Voldemort put Filius down. Filius took Voldemort's hand, and Voldemort squeezed it.

And they walked,hand in hand, out of Hogwarts.

Both Voldemort's army and Harry's side (idk what the good side is called) stared in shock.

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