Chapter 4: Letters

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Voldemort and Filius had been living in the cottage for a couple of months now. And every Friday Voldemort would go out and bring back a new meal for the week. While Filius stayed at home and cleaned and cooked the dinners. They lived a decently quiet and enjoyable life with very few disturbances. Every couple of days either a visitor or a letter addressed to the old man that Voldemort killed came but they just burned the letter and killed the visitors.

Filius had never been happier. Yes, it was fun being a professor at Hogwarts but Filius couldn't help but enjoy living with his soulmate. Voldemort, although not being able to feel love, felt a certain affection for the little half-goblin.

Life was fine and dandy until a letter came in the mail, it was addressed to Filius, Filius opened it and it read;

Dear Filius,

Are you alright?
You and Voldemort just left, I hope you are still alive. The deatheaters stopped attacking now, we have befriended a lot of them, Bellatrix is actually quite a nice young lass, she is a bit crazy but nice.

Please write back and hope you are well,
Minnie xxx

Voldemort read the letter over Filius's shoulder, "Who is Minnie?"

"A professor from Hogwarts."

Voldemort gave a jealous look "You're not going to write back are you?"

"I mean, it seems a bit rude not to, she's just worried, we are rather good friends"

Voldemort pulled out his wand and lowered it to Filius's eye level.

Filius got rather scared at this and gave a high pitched squeal, "Ok, ok, I won't write back," he was shuddering now.

Voldemort put his wand away, "Good." then his whole face softened "Sorry, dear, didn't mean to scare you."

Voldemort pulled Filius in and squeezed him tight.

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