The pirate eventually fell backwards, being knocked out cold.

"The winner is Barry!" Razor announced as a bell rung through the air.

"Yes! We won!" Gon cheered.


Our team had won the bowling match, and it was now time for the basketball match.

"It's you!" The tall pirate from before shoved his finger in my face. "The girl who was eating, and completely ignoring me and this glorious game!"

"Oh yeah. Guess that is me." I tilted my head, holding my hands behind my back. I gave him a cheeky grin, and he scoffed.

"Ready to take this seriously this time?" He glared at me, and I brought my hand to my chin, pretending to thing.

"Hmm... That's a tough one. I'm going to have to say..." I paused. "No." I grinned, and he growled lowly, looming over me.

"What?!" He fumed, and one of our other teammates stepped forwards, taking this match. The tall pirate seemed angry that I wasn't going up against him this time, but he only growled and turned away from me.

"Yes! That's three wins!" Killua cheered as our teammate won the basketball match. I gave him a high-five as we grinned at each other.

"You guys can toss your matches. I'll take it from here." I heard Razor speak to his pirates.

"Roger that." They nodded.

"Wait!" The large pirate that hated Killua spoke up. "I'm done following your orders. I'll be doing things my own way now. Hey, brat! Let's step outside!" He glared at Killus, throwing his hat to the ground.

"Outside? Do you think this is a sumo ring?" Killua smirked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'm done playing around. Want me to kill you here?!" He yelled, and I sighed.

"We get that you have beef with Killua, but could you tone it down a notch? You're louder than Gon when he sees something shiny." I jabbed my thumb at the boy in green.

"Hey! But they're pretty!" Gon defended himself, crossing his arms.

"You're also getting on my nerves! Why don't you step out too?! I'll get rid of both you kids at once! Like killing two birds with one stone!" He stepped closer to us, but a pirate stepped forwards.

"Hey, Bobobo! That's a violation of our agreement." He shot his arm out, stopping the larger pirate.

"Want to go back to jail, Bobobo?" Razor smiled, peering at the man.

"I don't give a damn! I'm done playing this stupid game! Anyone else with me?!If we team up, we can crush that bastard. And then we can use a ship
to get off this island!" He turned to his allies. Before any of the other pirates could reply, a ball went crashing into Bobobo's head. The sheer impact of the object caused his head to explode.

We all tensed slightly as the man fell to the ground, a puddle of blood quickly consuming his body.

"You'll be punished for breaking the taboo. Didn't I warn you?" Razor stepped forwards with a smile.

"Y-Yes, you did..." The pirate's trembled.

"Did that idiot think I wouldn't kill him?" Raxor mumbled before looking at us. "Okay, I'll go next." He smiled.

"Hey, this looks bad." One of the wimpy guys on our team trembled.

"We can't fight those guys..." Another one added.

"No, hold on. We'll be doing the fighting." Goreinu reassured them as they shook.

"We explained how this works. If the nine of us cannot secure eight victories, you can just forfeit without fighting." Tsezgerra stated.

"Really? You guarantee we won't have to fight?" One of them leaned forwards.

"Yeah, don't worry." He replied.

"Can I ask something?" Killua spoke up. "That guy's dead. What about the sumo match?" He asked, referring to Bobobo's corpse.

"Hmm? Oh, you get the win." Razor replied.

"But we never decided who we were sending." Killua argued.

"I don't care who you give the win to. Just give it to one of the guys
standing in the back." Razor stated, and I looked back at the trembling men.

"Okay, you get the sumo win." Killua pointed to some guy in red striped.

"Eh? Wait, me? O-Okay!" He stuttered, pointing to himself.

"That gives us four wins." Killua mumbled, and I nodded.

"Now, then... I'll go with an eight-on-eight game of dodgeball." Razors aura spiked, and his tone dropped. Seven rings of aura appeared, and pirate like creatures rose from the ground.

"Pick the eight members you'll field. I already have mine." He smiled, his weird conjured team looming in the back.

"Hold on." Goreinu stepped forwards. "How is this scored? It's one win per person, right?" He asked.

"Yes, one win per person. So the victorious team receives eight wins. Simple enough, yes?" He replied, and I sighed.

"You could've just started with that." I muttered, shaking my head.

"I'm against this! If we have to field eight, you need one more!" One of our men trembled.

"I'm not fighting that guy!" Another one exclaimed.

"I'm leaving now!" They stepped back.

"Once the match begins, you can deliberately let yourself be hit-" One of our teammates tried to bargin with them.

"Screw that! Didn't you see that? If he hits us with that ball, we're dead!" They screamed.

"Oh, just so everything is clear, we'll be using a normal ball. But with Nen, it's just as strong as the Nen projectile I launched earlier." Razor held a normal volleyball.

"Thanks. That was so comforting." My sarcasm caused the man to chuckle lightly, and I gave him a disgusted expression.

"This is crazy! I'm outta here!" The men inched backwards.

"Sorry, but I don't want to die yet!" They shook with fear. I groaned, not wanting to listen to them whined. When the hell can we just get this over with?

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