Jubilee Line

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/ / / / / / TW - Suicidal thoughts, crying, derealization (possibly), suicide, manipulation, blood - TW / / / / / /

Techno POV

"Techno, did you find anything?" Wilbur came up and asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"No, nothing." I mumbled, trying my best to not break out, cry, scream or show any emotion.

"Are you doing okay? Like, mentally. This was a pretty hard day for everyone. Especially you, Niki and Minx." He whispered, giving me a side-hug. He was the one for comforting, even if he wasn't good at it,

"I'm alright, so just leave me alone." I snapped, walking out in the front and sitting on the bench.

He was right, it was a hard day. Losing someone who meant something, even if it wasn't much, was very hard. I wasn't doing alright, rarely was. I was just too afraid to show it, as I was supposed to be the strong one.

"They wouldn't understand, would they?" I told, to no one. I heard the door open, not even bothering to look. There was only one person who ever checked on me.

"I think we would, Techno." Phil responded, speaking from the front door he just pushed ajar.

"Eh, I know." I mumbled. I knew they would understand, I just didn't want to really accept it. They are understanding people.

"You can talk when you're ready, but you should really eat. Everyone is except Niki. Come in, please."

"Okay, I'll come in." I mumbled, getting up and stretching my arms. My cloak was keeping me very warm, as I'm wearing only a button up and slacks underneath and it was around 30 degrees (farenheit) out.

I walked in, taking my original seat and stabbing my pasta with a fork.

"So, Karl where were you yesterday? No one could find you." Sapnap asked Karl, taking a bite out of his baguette. That was true, I saw him go in his library and never come out.

"I went out, looking for...... diamonds." He answered, swirling the spaghetti around his fork. He seemed nervous, but I don't know why he would be.

I tuned them out, trying to eat quickly so I could go and be alone, but not be too suspicious. I was awfully tired, which wasn't a surprise. Nights are long and with my sleep schedule, averaging 3 hours each night, they were longer. They were mostly peaceful, if Wilbur wasn't playing the guitar or Dadza isn't doing whatever he does.

I'd usually just go out and plant my potatoes, trying to find the fastest way to grow them. After the war, I never stopped planting potatoes. It was worth it, we donated all of them to food banks.

"Techno? Earth to Techno?" Wilbur said, waving his hand in front of my face. Such a child. Makes sense why I'm the older one.

"Yes?" I muttered, finishing the last of my pasta.

"You good?" Dadza questioned, it was more of a rhetorical question as he knew the answer. Must have not wanted to be suspicious.

"Yup, are you okay Wilbur?" I answered and changed the topic to Wilbur, pushing my plate away and folding my hands in my lap.

"Eh, as good as you can be at this moment." He whispered, chuckling at his own joke. Wasn't really a joke, or even funny. His humor was something else.

"Excuse me but I am going to go make some coffee. Dadza, want any?" I asked, quickly getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm good." He answered, going back to his conversation.

I think I might actually try and get a full night sleep, so I'll make decaffeinated coffee. Maybe that's the reason I'm mentally hurt, sure.

"I think I'm gonna actually head up to sleep, it's late." I announced to the group, heading for the stairs. It's been a while since I had actually slept in my own bed, often falling asleep while planting or not at all.

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