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/ / / / / / TW - Drinking, Mentions of manipulation and abuse, crying - TW / / / / / /

/ / / / / / CW - Food - CW / / / / / / 

Tubbo POV

I was having a great dinner, having fun with the new "family", I don't know if I should call them that yet though. I forgive Tommy and I hope he forgives me.

"That must be Purpled!" I heard Ranboo yell, I was too busy to care and just focused on my eating. Niki's cooking was the best, whenever she babysat me and Tommy we would always get the best food.

"Who are you?" He said from the doorway, which caught my attention. I looked up, but couldn't see who it was because they weren't in.

"I'm looking for my sons. I know they are here." I heard a rough voice speak from the doorway. Schlatt was here, and looking for us. I grabbed onto Tommy, not planning on letting go. This was not going to end well.

"Oh uhmm, who are you?" Ranboo asked, backing up even more towards the table.

"I'm Schlatt, I'll be taking my kids now." He said, stepping in. Dream stood in front of me and Tommy, crossing his arms.

"I'm scared Tommy." I whispered to him. Tears pooling in my eyes as I shoved myself into his chest.

"Not if we have anything to do about it. Now, I am kindly asking for you to leave." Techno said. I looked up to watch the scene play out.

"Oh there they are, come on kids. Dad is taking you home." Schlatt said, locking eyes with me. He tried to take a step closer, but Philza stood in front of him.

"Get out of my house, before we forcibly remove you." He said, he towered over him. Not a glint of fear even visible in Schlatt's eyes, that's a reason why he scared me. He was never scared, no matter the outcome.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He gave a smirk, taking a sip from a bottle. He tried taking another step forward, only getting shoved back by Philza. This seemed to set him off, he brought his hand down to his hip, pulling a dagger from his scabbard. (that's the attachment of a belt to hold a sword, if you didn't know)

"Schlatt, I don't want this to get violent. Please, just leave." Phil pleaded, as he backed up a bit.

"Give me my sons, and it won't." He pulled it up, in the position to stab anyone who got near. He seemed to slur a bit on his words, he always did after he got home from his meetings.

"Schlatt, leave or else you'll die here." Technoblade stood up, pulling a crossbow out from underneath his cloak. It was already loaded with a maroon arrow, shimmering in the light.

"Hey man, put the weapon down. I'm trying to be friendly." He chuckled, putting his hands up as if to surrender.

"Put yours down, too."

"No. I'm taking my sons home." He got more angry, walking for us. Technoblade stood up, shoving him to the ground. Putting one foot on his chest, aiming the crossbow at his head.

"Schlatt, it's time to leave." Niki stood up, placing her hands on the table. Technoblade took his foot off Schlatt, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him to his feet.

"I'm only leaving if I get my sons." He spat in Techno's face. I could tell that Techno was using everything in his power to not kill him there by the way his grip was tightening.

"Schlatt, please leave." Quackity said, standing up.

"Oh, hello Quackity. I missed you, you know? We used to have so much fun. I still have those pictures from Christmas." He chuckled, turning slowly to face Quackity and winking.

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