Mint Tea

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/ / / / / / TW - Swearing, Panic Attack, Anxiety, Arguing, Crying and Passing out/fainting - TW / / / / / /

Tubbo POV

I woke up, still feeling tired, to Tommy joining me in my bed.

"Hello Big T." I mumbled into his shirt as he brought me into a big hug.

"Hey, go back to sleep. I noticed you seemed to be having a little nightmare, but I am here, you're safe." He whispered words of encouragement in my ear. He was right, I was having a nightmare about all these new people. I still didn't feel 100% around them, and my response to not feeling safe was always a nightmare.

8 hours later...

"Tubbs, wake up. We are going shopping!" Tommy shook me awake.

"Nghh... fine." I swatted him away, he'd always been a morning person. My stomach grumbled, and now I realized we never ate our food last night.

"Come on, I'm hungry." He pulled me out of bed, the bed was very warm and it was a little cold out. "We get to eat the BLT's, finally getting something in our system! Isn't that nice?"

Tommy ran with me getting dragged behind him down the stairs, I sort of hid behind him because I don't deal well with social situations, unlike Tommy.

"Morning." Tommy said while sliding into a chair at the kitchen island, slumping down into it. I just stood to the side, grabbing his shoulder and squeezed it. He immediately looked over, how protective, to make sure I was okay. I gave him a little nod, even though it was getting a little harder to breath.

"Good morning, do you want your sandwiches from yesterday?" Phil, appearing from the pantry, flour bag in hand. He also had some flour in his hair and on his clothes and judging by the flour bag being open, I think he might have had some trouble.

"Yes, can we go on a walk with Ranboo around town, we never got to see it." Tommy pulled me closer to the chair so I could sit on his lap, just like old times.

"Ehh, I mean, This town is pretty small so we know everyone. I guess so. Just stop by the cafe for lunch, it'd be nice to know you'd be with Niki." He plopped the flour bag down, a bit puffing out into a little cloud.

"Cool, after we eat?" Tommy squeezed me tighter, which was his way of showing excitement. I just sat there staring at my hands, the counter, tiles and anything other than Phil.

"Sure, I have to run out for today but Techno can heat them up for you. Ah, speak of the devil." Phil turned his attention to the door, and I turned mine to my feet. I had fuzzy socks with bees on them, a gift from Tommy.

"I like the new nickname, better than 'Piglin' as one would refer to me." Technoblade growled. He had a basket of potatoes, and dirt on his knees. "What did you want me to do?"

"Tommy." I whispered into his ear as I jumped down from the chair.

"Is everything okay? Do you need anything?" He quickly grabbed my hand again, making sure I was alright. To be honest I wasn't, but I wasn't about to let him know. Instead, I grabbed onto him.

"Sure, I'll heat them up." He swiftly walked to the kitchen, making no sound. The only sound was the beeping of the microwave.

"Are you sure? I can make an excuse to leave now and go to the cafe." Tommy whispered as he jumped from the seat. They had pretty tall counters, well, makes sense since they are all like 10 feet tall.

"Do you want them wrapped in a napkin to take with you?." He said in his weird, monotone voice. He talks weird, kind of like how Minx uses all the funny words she doesn't want me to repeat.

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