17 - Smash the Mirror: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Delphinia..." Regina said.

"Helping them has cost me so much. It cost me Killian for the first time, then it cost me Graham, then it nearly cost me, Bae... And I'll be dammed if helping these two idiots costs me, my daughter!" Amy said.

"You asked us to help you with Graham," David said.

"No, I never," Amy looked at him, "You both just said you'd help, but when you were captured by the Evil Queen, I was asked to distract Graham, not find his heart, not save him while I was in the Dark Palace, but distract him! And where is he now? He's dead, and Regina may have crushed his heart, but because of the crap you two got yourselves into and going 'Delphinia help', 'Delphinia we need your help', 'Oh no, the Dark Curse we are doomed, please help', 'The Evil Queen is trying to kill me help me', 'Your love told me to blow this whistle and I would be taken to safety', 'Help, help, help, help, save us'," Amy said.

Regina placed her hand on Amy's arm, "You done?" Regina asked.

Amy looked at the married couple, "Have you two actually done anything without magic assistance? You didn't break the curse? Your daughters did. You didn't defeat Zelena, Regina did. You didn't save the town from Pan's curse or your grandson, Regina did. You didn't save me from nearly dying, Pan did and my daughter did. You didn't get out of the Enchanted Forest without Papa's assistance. You didn't get the compass from Anton, Alana did. Magic did. Magic has been saving your asses for a long time and what, you're just gonna pick up the pieces, because no twins helping mommy and daddy, no High Enchantress," Amy said.

"Well, we actually think it'll be good for them. We... They could be normal," David said.

"We? I'm sorry did you nearly say 'we could be normal'? Are you kidding me right now, Shepherd?" Amy said.

"Delphinia, breath," Amy looked at her, "Let me try," Regina looked at the married couple, "Let me ask you something. Do you know what I regret most?" Regina said.

"Countless innocent lives you destroyed?" David said.

"Watch it, shepherd," Amy said coldly.

"Easy, Phinia," Regina grabbed her hand and she looked at David, "That I didn't support Henry when he realised he was special. You of all people should remember," She looked at Mary Margaret, "'Cause you started it all when you gave him that storybook. It opened up a whole world for him. But I was so scared of losing him... That I tried convincing him he was crazy... And that being normal would make things better. Thankfully, he had the good sense not to listen to me," Regina said.

"Regina and Amy are right," Mary Margaret turned to David, "David, we've been rationalising, and you know it. We cannot let them take away what's special about them," Mary Margaret said.

"I know," David said.

"Well, then let's go get them," Mary Margaret walked over to an empty table, "Regina, your locator potion..." Mary Margaret said.

Regina turned to see the empty table where the potion and scarf were, "It's gone," Regina said.

"Where's Elsa?" David asked.

"And Neal?" Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, right I forgot to tell you guys," Amy turned to them and smirked, "Actually, I didn't... Neal and Elsa have gone to clean up the mess, you two made... As I said, Mary Margaret," Amy stepped up her and looked her in the eyes, "Never show someone with magic who is out of control fear... It makes it worse, you made it worse. You're their mother, and I've seen the way you've been looking at them for a while now... Let me ask you something as you grateful you have a normal child, at last, is that the real reason you wanted another baby?" Amy asked.

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