Chapter 1: Strangers

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There's a bright blinding light coming through my eye lids. As I slowly open my eyes, everything's bleared to me. I reach up rubbing my eyes with my fist. I look to the small black alarm clock; just to remember that it hasn't worked since last March. When all this chaos happened. By swigging my legs over the bed I get a head rush. I stand and stretch. By hearing muffled foot steps outside my bedroom door I get out of the bed. Look out of the small window to see my beautiful ocean winking at me. Shuffling to the dresser to get my clothes for the day.
Grabbing a pair of black Nike softball socks,my ripped yet well worn dark blue jeans, a dark purple tank top that's like a second skin, and a dirty white, well dingy cream colored, turtle neck. Even if it's stell the middle of the crappy summer.
Just after I put my tank and jeans on ,and just pulling my turtle neck over my head I hear Anna say, "Morning sis. Sleep well?"
I look up past my door to see Anna right there in the bath room a cross the hall. It appears she went out to the beach to wash up. Sense her long, curly red hair's dripping on the carpet floor as she braids it back.
"Mornin to you too sunshine. I slept as good as you can these days." I say with one eye squeezed shut. I'm pulling my hair back tighter than normal. For some reason too day.
"Its funny that you want to be a comedian after the world went to hell."she grins at me.
"Aren't we a little too old to be name calling?" She lifts a towel that I didn't even notice was there and throws it at me.
"No.Here, go down to the beach and wash up. We need to go on a supplies run today. Ok? Don't forget your rifle or bow. You know I have a horrible shot. So I couldn't save your sorry ass if one of those things get you.And, I don't want to be the one to raise Chef by myself. You think I could teach him how to shoot.I couldn't even hit a deer if it was right in front of me."
"That would be a real good setting for a comedian! I'm going to take my longbow. And, plus Chefs like thirteen. He could figure it out eventually."
She gave me one of those so-what glares. I didn't say anything back; just shrugged and stared toward the closet. My tan hand grips the chipped white metal handle of the closet. Just as Chef walks into the hallway.
"Why are you two up so early?" He says this while rubbing his own eyes just as I did a moment ago.
"Supplies run." I answer nonchalantly. He perked up at this ,but before he had the chance to ask I added ," And, no you can't come with me."
He opened his mouth to protest but I said,"Not until you're fifteen. It's to dangerous. Ok bud? Plus it's not a big run just a quick run to the stores for clothes, food, and such ok?"
"Yeah whatever." He said with his head down. But, I know he rolled his eyes. God teenagers! They thing they know everything. I watch him go in to the kitchen. Anna peeks her head out of the bathroom door.
"You know that we," she says,"we're just as bad when we were younger."
"I was his age four years ago and I had to grow up fast. Just to survive and keep you guys safe." I bind over and fetch my bow and quiver of arrows.
"Be safe and you better not die or I'll kick your-" she looks in Chefs direction. He has his back bent backwards face looking in our direction. Eye brows raised." I didn't say it Chef so you can shut up and eat or you can go do chores." He turned away quickly.
"I still can't believe he's almost taller than me and I'm twenty-one and 5'6."She says
"Well your are short."
"I am not!," she practically yelled,"Your just tall for your age."
"Anna I'm seventeen and 5'8 that's about average."
"Ok whatever. Go on and hurry we're losing daylight." I wave a hand turn and start to the door.
Walking to the door I can feel the gaze of Chef on me. "Better stop staring and start eatin." He immediately started to eat his pop tart. Which is a little stiff.
When I'm out of the house and on the pouch.I take the steps two at a time. When I'm on the halfway landing, since I broke the rest off to use in case of a hurricane, I grab the side of the rail and jump. Landing on the white sand in a crouch ,making little to no sound. Standing I walk out and head toward the beach. When I look , finally realizing, that it was high tide last night, I see a trench in the back yard. I leap over the trench. I put my quiver of arrows on the sand so they don't get rusted. Then sling my bow over my shoulder. As I get in the salty water I strap my bow tight around my shoulder. I can feel the the warm water through my denim jeans all the way to my thighs.
I bind down and dip my head in the water. My nails dig in my head to remove all the dirt and grim from the weeks of work. Just as I'm getting most of the old blood out of my matted hair. I hear the screaming start.
I jump by the sudden out burst. Then It dawns on me Anna,Chef. Shit! I get out of the water as fast a humanly possible grab my arrows, whip my bow from around my shoulders and run to the house.As I am running I realize that the screaming isn't come from the house; it's for the other end of the street.
I bolt through the neighborhood using my hearing as a compass. When I stop I see an old 1900s yellow rotting house. The paint on the house is chipping off the old wood is falling off in pieces. Before I realize what's happening a zombie lumber from out of the back yard. I raise my loaded bow and fire with out a care who the arrow lounges its self between the eyes of the zombie, which if I might add looks like a stripper. I turn a full 360 before I hear shuffling around the corner. I silently I jog to the zombie on the ground step on its neck, grab the arrow with one hand, and pull it free. Quickly I go to the edge of the house and peer around.
What I see is past bazaar. Which might I add is not in unusual now a days.A young women is huddled she has short black hair is wearing baggy gray jogging pants, lace up boots, and a long sleeved shirt. She can't be over 5'3 and close to the age of 21. But the end of the world put a lot more age on her face than needed she could pass for a forty year old if she didn't have such a showing figure.
When I look closer I can see that she's huddling over a little child. Well more like a teen if you ask me. She's roughly about 5'2 and around the age 11, 12 years old. She has long jet black hair, skinny jeans on, a tight long sleeved navy blue shirt,and combat boots.She's watching three men fight off around thirty-five well aged zombies. One of the men have a short sleeved blue shirt on and baggy jeans,with short cut brown hair. He's about 5'11 and cares a spear. Another has shaggy dark brown hair,jeans that fit him in all the right places and a cut off black shirt that is cut from the armpit area down to the end of the rib cage. I can see under his shirt and let's just say that not even Taylor Lautner could compete with him. The other looked as if he hadn't seen a bath in months he had shoulder length blonde hair tight fitting jeans and a red T. Both him and the abs were close to 6'4 to 6'3 and both had machetes . I quickly realized that they were being over taken. Picked an arrow out of my quiver load the bow aim and fire.
After the frist goes down the zombies are aware of my were abouts; so they decided that they would come have a welcome back party with me. For the most part half don't care but about thirteen want to eat me for lunch. I keep aiming a firing as fast as I can ,but one of the zombies, one that's about 250 at most and as tall as me, get to close to me so I can't fire. It's only arm length to me when I hook one of me legs around its ankle an pull it out from under its self. It falls with the sound of a brick hitting old, rotted wood. I shoot three more zombies as the one on the ground tries to get up. I wack it over the head with my bow and plant a big one through its eye, and I don't mean kissing I mean I stab it with a buck hunting knife.I yank the knife out of the monsters head.
That is until it sinks in to another head; I turn back to the others two more left. I quickly stab them in the heads,and look at the survivors. One of the men are down with a zombie on him. I take the arrow from one of the zombies head and aim at the monstrous thing then I fire. The arrow goes straight through the zombies head and the creature falls limp. As the man pushes it off of him; he sees the arrow and removes it out of the head. Examining it before looking at the other men. They are all heaving from the fight. I watch the lady and the child run over to the man on the ground.
When I snap out of my daze I realize that I'm getting stared at too, me just as the others are heaving from the fight. The man on the ground is talking to the woman and child; as the abs stares at me as if he looks away I'll disappear in to thin air. I catch his gaze and start to back away. But with each step I take backwards he takes forwards. That's when the others notice me. I chance a glance at the man one the ground only he's not on the ground anymore he's on his feet. All three men are watching my every move. I look around nervously, see this is what I get for saving someone's life no thanks or anything just glares.
The abs is the only one moving towards me for now. I'm at a sudden stop when my back hits s wood fence. Dam I'm trapped. He notices that I'm trapped so he takes a few steps closer. I look desperately for a way out; when I see an opening between the house and the fence the way I came. I didn't realize that I turned my head until I face the abs again and his face is turned that way. And, said ," Oh no you don't."
But he hardly got the words out before I bolted. Hoping track pays off.

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