"but because men can't get pregnant so you guys will adopt,don't you?",Mrs. Lin kept on saying nonsense,insensitive with her surroundings.Suho ogled his eyes towards Seojun as put both his palm close and mouthed 'sorry' to Suho while Mrs.Lin...she still continue speaking nonsense.


"I thought she's the maid,then why are we out here buying groceries?",Suho said to Seojun with his sarcastic tone.Both of them were at a supermarket after they finished having their breakfast at their house.Regarding Mrs. Lin,she only came to their house during morning just to cook breakfast and lunch also to do some cleaning and she will leave around 2pm.

"She's getting old so I feel bad to ask her to buy our groceries",Seojun replied to Suho while Suho huffed in annoyance with this softie side of Seojun.

"How about we buy your facial cleanser first?Let's go to the skincare section",Seojun tried to coax Suho as he linked his arms on Suho's and lead the way while Suho just followed him.

As they were looking for the facial cleanser,there's something caught his attention so he walked away while Seojun decided to look around the corner.As he was looking,he saw someone familiar was looking at those facial cleansers.He take a closer look and his eyes widened with his heart beat rapidly when he approached the person.The person turned to him looking confused while Seojun was smiling nervously.

"A..re..Are..Are you Cha Eunwoo?",he stuttered,too nervous to talk to his favourite idol.The guy then nodded before he smiled to Seojun,making Seojun's heart pounded wildly.

"Oh my god it's Cha Eunwoo!He looks so handsome and he's smiling at me right now!"

Seojun leaned his hand forward,"I'm Han Seojun and I'm your biggest fan",he introduced himself as Cha Eunwoo handshaked him.When they released their hands,Seojun looked at his hand,couldn't believe that he just shaked his idol's hand.

"You also handsome",Cha Eunwoo complimented Seojun and without him notice,his face already blushing red!

"Oh my god!He just called me handsome!"

Seojun cleared his throat tried to act calm and cool infront of his idol."Can i---"

"Yeobo!Check this out!",Seojun panicked when Suho came to him while holding two facial cleansers.

"Do you think which one should i buy ,this one or this one",he asked while Seojun smiled awkwardly to Cha Eunwoo.

"Yah Lee Suho why do you come at the wrong time?"

"Ahh Yeobo come help me choose this one or this one?",he asked back but this time he started to talk with a cute tone,trying to flirt with Seojun while linking his arm to Seojun's.Seojun felt very embarrassed as he grinned awkwardly to Cha Eunwoo while removed Suho's hand from himself.

"suho please don't flirt infront of my idol..jebal"

Suho pouted when Seojun didn't replied to him,"why are--",he didn't finished his words when he noticed someone was standing near them kept on watching them.

"who are you?",Suho asked to Cha Eunwoo.The idol obviously shocked with Suho's sudden question also Seojun as Seojun chuckled awkwardly and held Suho's hand.

"Suho,this is Cha Eunwoo,my idol",he introduced to Suho then whispered to his ears,"the one that I said handsomer than Hwang Inyeop",he said then smiled back at Cha Eunwoo.

Suho scanned Cha Eunwoo as his eyes moved repeatedly from head-to-toe,"I'm more handsome than him",he thought.

"Then,can I take a photo with you?",Seojun asked for permission."Owh sure",Cha Eunwoo answered followed by a small cheer from Seojun as he took out his phone and gave it to Suho."What the?",Suho portrayed his annoyed look while took the phone from Seojun's hand.

Seojun then stand closer beside Cha Eunwoo while Suho stood infront of them,looked annoyed especially when Seojun smiling widely to Cha Eunwoo.He took a few photos then Seojun thanked Cha Eunwoo before they parted ways.


"wow he was so handsome,look",Seojun showed the photo on his phone to Suho,smiling proudly.Suho rolled his eyes,"huh whatever",he then walked fastly leaving Seojun while Seojun felt confused with Suho's sudden act."What's with him?",he thought.He then looked back at the photo of him with Cha Eunwoo when he suddenly realized something,"why Suho looked kinda similar with Cha Eunwoo?",he eyed Cha Eunwoo then looked back at Suho who was sitting at the corner."Maybe I'm overthinking",he shrugged then walked to Suho.

When he sat beside Suho,Suho didn't talk to him at all."Suho,why you look mad?",Seojun asked him as he played with Suho's lips.Suho sighed then turned his body with his back facing Seojun.Seojun then linked his arms to Suho's,"aww my baby,are you mad at me?",he tried to coax with Suho but then Suho removed his arm and played with his phone ignoring Seojun.

Seojun sighed while staring at Suho,"is he jealous because of Cha Eunwoo?".Seojun tried to figure out how to coax Suho when he suddenly smiled,got an idea.

"Suho-yah",he called Suho as Suho turned a side-eye to him.


Suho was surprised,"oh no,please don't"

Niga neomu joha
ottoke ottoke~~
Niga neomu yeppeo
ottoke ottoke~~

"no Lee Suho,stay strong!You can't lose just because of his aegyo!"

narang mana bollae
eotteohke saenggakhae?

"aargghhh kiyeowo!!why is he so cute!!"

janmal malgo malhae
jeohdago jeohdago

Seojun ended his aegyo with a peck on Suho's cheek then pulled Suho's body closer to him.

"do you still mad at me?',he asked Suho.He noticed Suho tried to hold his smile especially when the corner of his lips almost lift upwards.

Seojun took Suho's hand and intertwined his fingers with Suho's while Suho looked at him,"even when i like someone or something...my priority is you Lee Suho.You will always be no 1 for me",he confessed his feelings to Suho.

Suho felt the heat on his cheeks,he felt touched with Seojun's sudden confession."So you don't have to be jealous to others cause you will always be the first",Seojun responded to him before he raised their hand and kissed Suho's palm.

"do you still mad at me?",Seojun asked as he looked directly to Suho.Suho sighed then turned his head facing Seojun,"fine,I'm not mad anymore",he replied.

Seojun smiled as he pinched both Suho's cheeks,'aww kiyeowo",he called Suho cute while Suho tried to remove Seojun's hand from his face,felt shy from the compliments.

Suho then stood and lend his hand to Seojun,"let's go buy our groceries",he said.Seojun laughed then took Suho's hand,"i thought you're the one who complain earlier",he teased Suho while Suho slightly pushed Seojun from the tease.They both then walked together to buy the groceries at the supermarket.

Every people have their own form of love,but for them only one sentence came across,

together forever

A/N:hello guys!you have reached the end haha..tq so much for support and reading my story!!i'm so honoured to have you guys and feel free to vote,comment also read my other story as well..tq again so so much!! Stay safe and take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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