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Seojun hated staying after school, usually he looked forward to get home as soon as possible. Today he hated more cause he had to retake an exam for history. He sighed while watching to his side as Jugyeong was checking her make-up on her compact mirror.

"you're still ugly even if you're wearing makeup, just admit it", Seojun teased Jugyeong while yawning, this can be a perfect time for him to sleep.

Jugyeong turned her head to his side, her long beautiful hair swinging around her face as she grinned,

"Han Seojun, I don't need your opinion", she said sarcastically then focused back on her mirror while Seojun felt satisfied that he get to annoy her.

He yawned again but then he froze when he saw Suho was strutting down the hallway. Seojun suddenly felt the euphoric feelings coming through his veins cause he was getting the chance to see Lee Suho. If he would have known Suho stayed after school so late, maybe he'd stay after much more.

"Ok Han Seojun and Im Jugyeong, get ready for your exam", Mr. Han walked into the class with their exam papers. After Mr. Han handed out the papers to both of them, he walked in front while asking them to start answering the exam paper.

Both of them decided to answer the questions quickly cause jugyeong wanted to go home early while Seojun want to catching up on Suho. But then, they both know they're so messed up.

When Mr. Han walked out to the toilet, Seojun tapped Jugyeong's leg making her looked at Seojun,

"yah,what's this answer?", Seojun raised a bit his paper then showed the question to Jugyeong. Jugyeong looked at the paper then shrugged,

"I dont know, I think I'm gonna failed this exam", she portrayed her sad face then focused back on her paper. Seojun felt so annoyed, he wanted to finish early but he already stuck on the first question. He huffed in annoyance  as his mind counting the seconds that passed by, squeezing his eyes shut for a second he took in a deep breath.

"Goodbye Lee Suho,Lets's go to sleep Han Seojun", he put down his head on the table then closed his eyes, escaping his reality.


Seojun slowly opened his eyes as his vision still blurry but then he was surprised when Jugyeong's face appear in front of him.

"aarghhh what are you doing?!"

"aaargghhh why are you screaming?!", Jugyeong screamed back cause she was surprised with Seojun's sudden yell.

Jugyeong looked at her phone then looked back at Seojun,

"aaiisshh you ruin everything", she said before she walked to her bag.

Seojun looked at his surroundings as he realized his exam paper was gone, how long does he sleep though?

"Mr. Han already took our papers, we didn't want to wake you up cause there's no differences either you sleep or wake up", she told Seojun while brought out her make-up bag to her table. Her phone suddenly ringing as Sooah's name appeared on the screen so she walked to the corner and answered the phone call.

Seojun yawned when he saw Suho again walking outside the classroom, the way his fingers dragged across the window when he passed the class was what caught his attention.

If his friends were here they would have been nagging at him to speak up, but since they weren't he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to embarrass himself but he also didn't want to miss the chance to talk to him.

"Okay Han Seojun", he thought to himself as he slowed down his pace, "I'm going to give you 10 seconds, you either speak up or miss your chance. Just choose".

Seojun closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he walked out from the classroom and looked at Suho's back facing him.

"Lee Suho",he called out Suho's name.

Suho turned to his back as both their eyes met, Seojun jogged towards him until he stood perfectly in front of Suho. He gulped and tried to brainstorm the right words as Suho looked like he was waiting for Seojun to speak out.

"I'm Han Seojun.You can call me Seojun", He stuck his hand out and awkwardly smiled to him. Suho raised an eyebrow at him while shooked his hand. There was no ignoring the feelings Seojun got when he touched Suho, but he pushed it aside.

"I know you", he said. Great! Now Seojun didn't know what to react as Suho lowkey trying to end this conversation.

Seojun let out an awkward laugh,

"yup haha, of course you know me.. we're classmates haha", he nodded his head, winking. Suho gave him a thoughtful look and took in a deep breath making Seojun anxious.

"Did he want to leave now?No No!I should say something!This is my chance to talk to him"

He tried to think about anything that he can talk with Suho but nothing could get over his head and it was driving him insane.

"urm i.."

"your face", Suho suddenly interrupted Seojun.

"m-my..my face?", Seojun gave Suho a confused look, couldn't understand what he tried to tell him.

"what? my face? good? handsome? likeable? boyfriendable? you want to date me?"

Suho sighed before he walked closer making Seojun took a step backwards, surprised with Suho's sudden reflex.

Suho put his thumb on Seojun's lips then showed his finger, a red stain was on his finger and its getting more confusing for Seojun.

"Yahh Han Seojun!"

Seojun turned back as Jugyeong running towards him,

"Yahh I haven't finished remove the make-up on your face", she told Seojun. She turned to Suho and greeted him before she looked back at Seojun. She took the mirror from her pocket and when Seojun looked at his reflection on the mirror, he froze.

His eyes moved to Suho who was excusing himself and walked away from there leaving both of them.

"I want to try doing the make-up tricks that I learned from Selena's new video last night so I tried it on your face. I think I already improve my skills", she said proudly complimenting herself while Seojun..he already dead inside.

His eyes shifted again to his reflection on the mirror and looked back at Suho who was walking away as he wondered,

Did he just ruined everything?

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFWhere stories live. Discover now