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"Oppa! Your music is too loud!", Gowoon knocked his door from outside but there's no response.

Seojun have being locked himself in the room since he came back from school. He used to be so loud whenever he came home but for the first time in the history of Han's household, the house turned silence except for the 'Okey Dokey' song playing loud inside his room.

"Oppa, I'm coming in!", Gowoon knocked the door for the last time then opened the door when she quickly covered her ears as the music was so damn loud.

"Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo! Is that true?Yes!Okey dokey yo!"

"Aaishhhh!",Gowoon looked at her brother curling while covered his head with the pillow. She took his phone and lowered the volume of the music.

She tapped Seojun's body repeatedly but Seojun didn't moved at all.

"Is he dead?"

Gowoon tapped his body again, pulling the pillow from his face but Seojun tighten his grip, didn't want to let his sister bothered him.

"Oppa,what's wrong with you?", she asked before she tried shaking Seojun's body until Seojun threw the pillow to her and screamed,

"I'm doomed!".

Gowoon threw the pillow to her side then crossed her arms against her chest.

"Now what?", she asked before Seojun moved his body closer facing Gowoon. Gowoon realized something as she cupped her brother's face with her hands,

"Oppa are you crying?", she asked before Seojun shaked his body repeatedly,

"I'm doomed! I will never go to school anymore! huaaargghh!",he screamed before Gowoon tapped his head hard.

"Ouch it hurts!", Seojun held his head then pouted.

Gowoon eyed Seojun and shooked her head before she walked away and stopped near the door,

"Go take a walk outside and calm yourself", she gave some advice to her brother then walked out from his room.

Seojun took his phone and turned off the music. He then opened the PhotoGram app, looked for the make-up filter and took a selfie with the filter.

"Gowoon~",he called his sister as Gowoon turned the door handle and stood near the door with her annoyed face.

"What?", she raised her head with her voice clearly portrayed annoyance.

Seojun showed his selfie to Gowoon, wanting her opinion.

"Since when you're into make-up?", she asked as she looked so confused especially when her brother acted different than before.

Seojun pointed his finger to the selfie on his phone,

"Do I look pretty?", he asked with his puppy eyes persuading his sister to answer him.

Gowoon sighed,judging her brother immature behaviour.

"Oppa,you want me to call Jugyeong unnie to teach you more about make-up?", she asked while she took her phone before Seojun ran to her, stopping her from reaching her phone.

"No thank you, ok I want to go shower", he lowkey chased his sister out then locked his door.

He then jumped onto his bed and slammed his head back down onto his pillow.

"How I'm gonna face him tomorrow?", he complained with all his heart. He looked back his selfie on his phone then tossed his phone to the side of his bed.

He decided to shower and heads towards his ensuite, stripping down before letting the boiling water spilled down his body. His eyes fluttered as the shampoo foamed in his hair, and sinked down the drain. His body shampoo exfoliates away the stresses of the day and followed the path of the shampoo—kissing him with a subtly sweet rose scent.

Once he done, he dried off and dropped the towel into the laundry basket next to the sink, pausing to sweep his eyes over his body. His nude skin freshly shining through the foggy reflection.

"Wow Han Seojun..you're so good looking. No wonder many girls like you", he bragged to his own reflection at the mirror.

When he walked out, he put on his purple hoodie and his white short pants. He stopped in front of the mirror to check on himself again and when he felt satisfied with his look, he walked out from his room.

Both his mother and Gowoon were folding clothes in front of the Tv as Seojun walked towards them.

"Eomma I'm going outside for a while", he told his mother. When he get Mrs. Mihyang's permission, he walked out from his house and started to take a walk.

Luckily there's not many people that night, probably they hanging out at home together with their family and friends.

Seojun decided to go to the convenient store to buy some snacks but then as he was walking, he saw someone familiar standing in front of the store.

"Lee Suho?"

Suho turned to his side but luckily Seojun managed to hide behind the walls near the building.

"Aisshhh why is he here?!", Seojun cursed a lot especially when the thoughts of the incident started to play inside his head.

"Should I just go and act like I don't know him? or should I just greet him and tell him that I want to befriend him? What if he didn't like me after that incident? He's not that bad isn't he?"

Seojun slowly peeped as he saw Suho was playing with his phone. He then moved back and brainstormed on some ideas applying his 'fight vs flight' principle.

He started imagining his conversation with Suho, planning on do's and don'ts while figure out what Suho will response.

"Hey Suho, I actually don't really wear makeup. Owh really but you look good, I mean you are good looking. Owh really?Do you love me? Yes, I love you. Then let's date", he murmured to himself, putting on a single-man show acting as both Suho and his own character.

"Lee Suho!"

Seojun slowly took a step forward when he heard someone called Suho.

Soojin was running towards Suho while Suho smiled at her and put his phone on his pocket.


"Hey, I thought we meet at the bookstore. Sorry for making you wait", she apologized while still gasps for breaths, probably tired of running.

"Are they dating?",Seojun eyed both Soojin and Suho.

"It's okay, let's go ",they both walked together didn't noticed that someone was watching them from afar.

"Why does Suho smiled at her? Is she someone special?", Thoughts kept on rambling inside his head.

He then slapped his face and held both his cheeks,

"Yah Han Seojun! Get your grip! You and Suho are nothing! Its not like both of you are close!", he talked to him loudly as some people around him started to look at him. He didn't realized he already became the center of attention.

"You don't need him, tomorrow he will act like nothing happens, trust me! Fighting Han Seojun!", he raised his fist over his head then ran to his home while other people looked at him, probably confused or felt sorry for him.

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFWhere stories live. Discover now