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"And i cried when the hero died",Chorong told his friends about the drama that he watched last night.

"He don't deserve to die!The girl doesn't love him at all!",Manshik complained about the drama,agreed by the others.They all were too absorbed with the drama,except for Seojun.He was there but his head is elsewhere,reminded him of last night.He didn't realized his face turned red,smiled like an idiot.He got back to his senses when Chorong snapped his fingers infront of his face.

"Yah!What's that for?",Seojun complained as all of his friends were looking at him."What are you thinking about?",Chorong asked.

Seojun furrowed his eyebrows,

"What?",he tried to avoid the question.Well he can't just tell him that he's happy because of last night.

"Did you watch "False Ugly" last night?",Manshik asked him.Seojun shooked his head,"I slept early last night".

All of them were surprised with Seojun's statement.Han Seojun slept early?!They can't believe it!But they couldn't expect more when they saw someone was coming towards them.All of their eyes were focused on the person who stood behind Seojun.

"What are you guys watching at?",Seojun asked his friends as Chorong pointed his finger to his back.

"Huh?",Seojun turned around and flinched when he saw Suho was looking at him directly.

"Lee Suho!"

"Did I scare you?",Suho asked with his emotionless face.He might looked arrogant but Seojun found it cute.

"Why are you here?",Seojun asked him back.

"Why?you don't like it?"

"No,it's not.It's just..I didn't expect it",Seojun explained his behaviour to Suho.

Suho took something from his bag and passed the jacket that he hold to Seojun.

"I forgot to return your jacket,thank you,",Suho walked away quickly,didn't even spare some time for Seojun to talk to him.Seojun's eyes were focused on Suho as he smiled.

"Wow,what just happened?",Manshik's voice brought Seojun back to the reality.Seojun turned to his friends but then he looked back at his jacket,small grin curved from his lips.

"Wow,he's smiling widely,he must be thinking of Jugyeong!",Seojun turned his head to his friend,couldn't believe what he just heard.He wanted to ask his friend when he heard a girly voice called her from afar.

"Han Seojun!"

He turned and saw Jugyeong was running towards him,she looked panicked as if she was running from something.She came closer to Han Seojun and held Seojun's hand,

"Follow me",Seojun still didn't get the situation but he just followed Jugyeong while his friends were cheering after them.Jugyeong pulled Seojun until she stopped at the place that she felt comfortable to talk to Seojun.

"Why are you pulling me?",Seojun released his hand from Jugyeong.Jugyeong's face changed,now she looked like she wanted to kill someone.

"Yah Han Seojun!Do you know that some students already ship us both?",Jugyeong told Seojun,he looked completely clueless from that rumours.

"So?",Seojun reacted,didn't bother at all with the news.

"What do you mean so?!You should tell them we're not in a relationship",Jugyeong scolded Seojun,the ignorant brat infront of her.

Seojun arched his eyebrows to Jugyeong,he then looked around him as he saw some students looking at him and Jugyeong while whispering to each other.

"Look,it's not even true.Just ignore those stupid rumours..it will end soon",Seojun responded to Jugyeong.He didn't find it harmful for him at all.Those were all groundless rumours from boring people who need something fiesty in their life.So pathetic!

"Ok fine!But if this rumor started to spread,i'm gonna kill you",Jugyeong moved her finger along her neck,warned Seojun as she walked away from there.

"She's overreacting",Seojun mumbled while put both his hands on his pocket,walked back to his friends.As he approached them,all of his friends were cheering for him.

"What's with you guys?",he gave a weird look to his friends as they all were grinning at him.

"I'm so glad my friend already has a girlfriend",Manshik said while tapped Seojun's back proudly."What are you talking about?",Seojun pushed Manshik's hands as Chorong slinged his arm on Seojun's shoulder,"Don't be shy.I know you guys are dating",he raised both his eyebrows teasing Seojun.

"What?Me and her?Are you insane?!",Seojun put down Chorong's hand from his shoulder then walked away from there while his friends continue teasing him.

"I have never imagine myself dated Jugyeong,they are crazy!",Seojun cursed repeatedly inside his head.At least he already imagined himself on a vacation with Suho at Jeju Island.

He was on his way to his classroom when he saw Suho walked into their class.Seojun stopped as his eyes on Suho,

"Cute",he murmured and smiled widely.He then walked quickly to his class so that he can get a perfect view of the cute guy that being roaming inside his head since day 1.

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