Stiles slammed on the breaks of his jeep outside Minho's. He had been given the address in case Thomas and Newt asked where Minho was. Stiles had gotten Thomas and Newt on the phone.
"What Stiles?" He said, roughly startling Stiles. 

"Something's going down I don't know what exactly but I think Barrow is after Kira and Minho" Stiles rattled off slamming the door of the jeep. He noticed his best friends on the ground. He wasn't listening to Thomas as he dropped his phone on the ground and ran forward to help Scott. 

Scott sat up putting his throbbing head into his hands. The boy then looked around not finding the girl he had been outside with. 

"He's got her, Barrow took Kira" Lydia said. 

Stiles helped Scout stand as Lydia walked a few steps away from the boys. She couldn't handle this. 

"I can't do this," She said, Stiles steadied Scott looking towards the girl. "I feel like I'm going to explode, everything that's happening it- it makes me wanna scream" 

"Then do it. Lydia, scream," Stiles said. Lydia nodded, taking in a deep breath and letting out a big scream. The window of the jeep rattled and the two boys jumped holding their hands to their ears tightly. The sound echoed through the silent street as Thomas and Newt ran up. They both had disheveled clothes and messy hair. 

"Really some guy who was in a mental institution was in the school today and you two think it's a good idea to do that and since when are you a thing" Stiles ranted his ADHD taking over some and not letting him stop. 

Scott put his hand on the boy's shoulder telling him to stop talking.

"We'll talk about it later right now we need to find Kira and where's Minho" Newt said calmly.
"He said he was going for a run but Barrow might have him too if he was going after Kira," Scott said. 

"Okay, any ideas on where the psycho is," Thomas asked.
Stiles who was biting his nails and looking down snapped his head realizing crossing his features. 

"The electric plant he used to work there that's where he has to be '' He said walking towards the jeep with Lydia, Newt, and Thomas. Scott started his bike leading the jeep. 

Within 3 minutes the group had pulled up to the plant. Stiles grabbed his bat out the backseat. 

"Stay here," He said looking at Lydia. She glared at him so he shrugged " I only got one bat" 

Thomas and Newt went around back. The group knew they could take care of themselves and even after being interrupted they would be prepared. Stiles followed Scott until the path split off in two directions. The two nodded to each other and sprinted in opposite directions. Scott was the one to find the siblings. They were tied to the fence around one of the generators.

Barrow was slowly stalking towards the pair a wire with the inside exposed created sparks as he walked along. He eventually made it close to the pair. 

"I'm going to get rid of the ones with glowing eyes. They will see I'm not crazy" He ran his free hand down the side of Kira's face. Minho was watching with the scariest glare Scott had ever seen. Scott also sensed Thomas and Newt coming in. Minho noticed them too, giving them a small nod. 

Barrow moved his hand down to Kira's phone. He snatched it out saying he was going to take a picture as proof this was the right thing he had to do. He took her phone using it to get a picture of the two with the flash. For a second you could see the panic in Kira's eyes.
He then moved the wire towards the fence which held the two. 

"WAIT WAIT" Scott screamed as the gladers made their way forward trying to help their friend and his sister. 

Stiles was running back to where he ditched Scott. His way had been a total bust but he knew that Scott could find them. Stiles heard Scott yelling so he began sprinting faster towards the other end of the building.

"You want the ones with the glowing eyes well... " Scott said, flashing his eyes the alpha red color. Barrow jumped but continued to move the wire closer to the two. 

"No, no no not those glowing eyes these ones" He yelled, throwing the wire down on the two. Three yells of NO! Were heard throughout the room. 

There was a bright light as Kira stood up absorbing the electricity. Somehow when the wire was put on them she broke free. Minho stood behind her not absorbing any electricity but he was completely fine. The light from Kira grew brighter and brighter. Then the energy was pushed away from her and back into the machines. Then everything went out. 

    The three boys moved their hands from their eyes which they had used to shield their faces from the harsh light. The gladers ran forward bugging their friend as he grinned back. Scott went over and put his hand on Kira's shoulder. 

The group of five walked outside. Thomas looked around noticing one of their group was still missing. Thomas nudged Newt the two saying they would be right back. Scott nodded getting his phone out to call the sheriff. 

Thomas and Newt jogged through the plant looking for the younger boy. They found him leaning against one of the stone walls a little dazed. 

"Hey man you okay you seem bloody out of it," Newt asked, kneeling down next to the boy. Stiles nodded. 

"I saw a bright light and I think I hit one of the walls," He explained. Thomas chuckled at his brother's clumsiness. 

"You are the clumsiest person I have ever met," Thomas said, helping Stiles stand. Stiles wobbled a little so the two older boys held him up walking with their hands in his back as they led him out of the plant.

They got outside a few minutes before the police arrived and Stiles was back to his normal hyperactive self. They were escorted back to the Sheriff's station where Agent McCall was the one to interview them. 

"Well how did you know that's where he'd take them?" McCall asked. 

"He used to work as an electrician so it was the only real place he could be '' Stiles responded confidently. 

"That's a pretty big deduction there Stiles" McCall retorted. 

"What can I say I take after my Pops?" Stiles smirked, winking at his father who struggled to hold in his laugh.
Agent McCall continued with the interview not getting much out of anyone in the room. He let them go after a good half hour. 

"Can I have my phone back?" Kira asked. 

"Sorry it's being taken as evidence," McCall said waving the teens out of the station. 

Isaac had been with Allison that whole time. They were studying then somehow things got weird. They stood up and were almost competing with each other when Argent walked in. Allison hurriedly threw her shirt on as her father led her out of the room. 

"ANOTHER WEREWOLF" he screamed. 

Isaac stood alone in the room as the sun went down listening to the two fight. He couldn't help it he had werewolf hearing and they were being loud. As soon as the sunlight had disappeared in the room and darkness took over something entered through the shadows. The door to the room slammed shut catching the attention of the two Argents.

"Isaac," Allison said slowly walking towards the door, her dad following behind her cautiously.
Isaac heard the strange sound as he saw figures emerge from the shadows. They surrounded him. He backed away hitting the bad with the back of his knees. Isaac screamed as they continued forward. The creature directly in front of him reached its hand out. Isaac cowered away as best he could. The thing touched him behind the ear. Then it all went black for him.
Argent and Allison stood outside the door pounding on it after hearing him scream. 

"ISAAC" Allison screamed an air of pleading in her voice. 

"Isaac opened the door," Chris yelled. All of it falling silent on the ears of the unconscious werewolf.

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