Chapter 2

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        A blood curdling scream, startled me awake. I quickly realized it came from one of the girls across the clearing. I grabbed my rifle and rested the barrel on a log as I peered through the scope, only to confirm my fears. There were three men, two holding the older girl, the third had the younger one pinned against a tree. This is what the world has come to. I knew the smart thing to do, would be to just leave. I certainly wasn't going to stick around and watch those two girls meet their horrific fate, but there was a faint voice in my head telling me to help them. I let out a deep sigh. There is a line between surviving and keeping your humanity and I was not ready to cross it, at least not yet. I thought about getting closer, but from the looks of it, those girls didn't have much time. I've made much harder shots at a further distance than this before, but with the girls squirming and kicking, it was going to be tricky making sure not to hit them. I relaxed my muscles and let out a deep breath, waiting for that perfect moment between heartbeats, just as I was trained, my finger slightly pressed against the trigger. I could feel the tension, just waiting to be released. I had my sights on the guy trying to pin down the younger girl. He was much taller than her so if I hit my mark, she should be unharmed. Everything seemed to slow down, till for a split second it seemed as if the world went still. I saw the man go still before the other two even registered the sound of bullet penetrating through the night air and through their fellow companion's skull. One of them took a few steps back and froze in shock and I didn't waste the opportunity. The bullet caught him in his right ear and he went down in a classic half spin just like in the movies. I actually smiled a little at that thought. The last man finally realized what was happening, and made a break for it. Unfortunately for him he had no idea where the bullets were coming from thanks to the silencer on the barrel of my rifle and he just so happened to making a mad dash almost straight towards me. It couldn't have been any easier of a shot, I waited almost a full minute, just to let him think he was going to get away. What can I say, I was feeling particularly ruthless, being woken up in the middle of my much needed sleep by some despicable low life thugs trying to do unthinkable things to two innocent girls. When he got fairly close to me, I shot him straight in the gut. Probably one of the worst ways to go. Good, he deserved to suffer. 

        I scanned the area for the girls, and I found them crouched behind a tree, obviously traumatized. Against better judgement I got up grabbed my bag and started walking towards them. As I was making my way over to them I found the guy that I had shot in the gut. He was just laying there in agony. "Please don't kill me, you can have the girls, take anything you want!" he said, coughing on his own blood. "You're already dead." I told him coldly and continued heading for the girls. As I got closer the girls finally saw me coming out of the shadows. "Stay back!" the oldest one shouted at me, standing protectively in front of the younger girl, brandishing a stick she'd just found on the ground. "I mean you two no harm. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." I said as gently and non-threateningly as possible. She just stared at me and didn't say a word, her mind racing and trying to decide what to do. I could see her clearly now in the moonlight and glow of the campfire. She was clearly of Asian decent. Her eyes as black as the night. I felt mesmerized by them, dark and mysterious but also deep and meaningful. Her long black hair, somehow quite straight and nice, flowed graciously half way down her back. She was pretty fit as well, I would guess she was a runner before the world went to shit. Even despite her dirt covered face and ripped clothes, she still looked absolutely gorgeous. I'm not bad looking in the least, but if I had seen her before the world went to hell, my first thought would have been she is waaaaay out of my league. However the world has changed, its no longer about looks, its about survival. I looked at the younger girl cowering behind her. The resemblance was uncanny, they were obviously sisters. She had the same black eyes and hair. I realized the older sister wasn't going to say anything, and they both seemed unharmed, so I decided to just leave them be. I turned south and started walking away. I could hear them whispering to each other behind me. "Wait, where are you going?" the older sister asked meekly. "South, to beat the winter. I recommend you two do the same and don't build anymore fires either" I said without stopping or turning around.

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