"Sir?" the officer asked. "Are you okay?"

"No" Sinclair mumbled. "It was her, none else would have done this"

"We will bring her in for questioning but for now I suggest finding another place to stay for the time being"

"Where?" Sinclair asked, putting his head in his hands.

"My place" you said, squeezing his hand.

"Thank goodness for your place" he mumbled, squeezing back.

The police soon left, getting all the information they could. You and Sinclair grabbed everything important, turned the alarm on again and locked the door. Sinclair was in took much shock to drive so you took the wheel and drove to your place. You kept looking at Sinclair who sat next to you, he decided to take the porcelain monkey, cradling it gently in his fingers.

"has the monkey got a name?" you ask.

"It's called monkey" Sinclair answered. "And I love them so much" he stroked the top of the head and sighed.

"You mentioned something about your mum" you mumbled, unsure if he wanted to talk about the past.

"My mum used it to play with me, I was the lion and she was the monkey. When my mother died when I was ten I took it to boarding school, when I missed my mum I would hold it and think back to her playing with me" Sinclair sniffed. "I wished I could use it to play with my own kids one day" he sighed, stroking the figure gently. "I could tell them the stories my mother used and be the person I never had for them." he sighed. "I wonder if she could see my now, what she would think of what I become, if she is proud of me"

"I bet she would be very proud of you" you said, parking in front of your house. You took his hand and kissed it gently. "She sounds like she was a wonderful woman."

"She was" Sinclair mused, looking down at the monkey. "She always had the time to play with me" he smiled, squeezing it slightly in his other hand.

You stayed in the car for a few moments before Sinclair unclipped his belt and you let go of his hand. You both got into the house and Sinclair placed it on the mantlepiece where you could have a better look at it.

 You both got into the house and Sinclair placed it on the mantlepiece where you could have a better look at it

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It was very cute and you patted it on the head before going off and finding Sinclair. He had started cooking something little, seeing as you had eaten already that night.

"I am sorry (y/n)" Sinclair mumbled, placing the toasted sandwiches he was making into the oven.

"for what?" you asked.

"For Natalie." Sinclair mumbled. "you don't deserve to be mixed up with my crazy ex"

"Don't be sorry, you aren't telling Natalie to do this" you mumbled. "You have nothing to apologise for"

Sinclair sighed, shuffling around the kitchen to fill the kettle.

"Seriously Sinclair" you said. "None of this is your fault"

Sinclair sighed again, clicking the kettle on and turning to you. "I guess not" he murmured.

"I guess not?" you asked, poking his stomach. He laughed slightly, being ticklish. You grinned and started to tickle him more.

"Oh (y/n)" he laughed, tickling you back. You both laughed loudly and fell onto the floor, keeping up your tickle fight until you were both exhausted and breathed heavily.

"Thank you (y/n)" Sinclair mumbled, putting a kiss onto your head. "I have no idea what I would do without you"

"and I gave no idea what I would do without you" you answered, stroking his hair lovingly.

Sinclair kissed your lips, pulling you into him and cradling you in his arms. You grabbed his shoulders and kissed back.

Your kissing was ceased by the timer going off that the toasted sandwiches were done.

Sinclair let go of your lips and smiled, patting your head and getting up. You made the tea as Sinclair put the sandwiches on plates and together yous at, snuggled into each other, watching porridge.

Open My Eyes // Sinclair x readerWhere stories live. Discover now