"Hey Hannah, you missed a bit." Said Rick.



Rick put his paintbrush on the end of my nose leaving me with a bright white nose. I got my own back though, with the big paintbrush I had, I brushed it across Rick's face. We both laughed as we splatted paint onto each other, fair to say we went a bit far.

"Rick stop!" I said as Rick splatted me with his brush. "This is going too far."

"Yeah, alright."

I turned around to start painting the next wall, but I soon felt something hitting my back, I spun around and Rick was grinning ear to ear, I could just see a large white streak running down the back of my shirt.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Just cut it out now."

"Right, sorry."

Once we'd stopped messing around we began to work a lot faster. We were a complete mess but that's what friends do.

When we were almost finished, Mike came upstairs to see how we were getting on.

"What happened here?" he asked.

"Sorry Mike, we just got a bit carried away."

"Okay you two, go get yourselves cleaned up, I'll finish this off."

"Thanks Mike."

Me and Rick were still laughing as we went to the bathroom.

"You look like the abominable snowman." I said as I began to wash the paint out of my hair.

"You don't look so great yourself."

I smiled and flicked some of the water up at Rick.

"We're not starting that again are we?"


After twenty minutes of scrubbing, we were finally paint free, apart from our clothes. Mike had finished off the painting, the rest was up to me.

"So what are you going to do?" Rick asked me as we started to move the furniture back.

"I don't know, I'll just add stuff depending on how I feel. And I've already got an idea of what to do first."

I got a tube of black acrylic paint and squirted a small amount into my palm, I squeezed my fist tight spreading it around, before putting my hand firmly against the wall.

"There." I said, stepping back.

"Can I just do something?"


I handed Rick the paint and he did exactly the same, right next to where my handprint was. With the hand he had clean, he picked up a nearby felt tip pen and wrote above our handprints, "friends" in large writing.

"Yeah, that looks good. But could I just add something else."


Rick handed me the pen and I wrote our names under each print in a smaller font.

Today has been great, I've had some fun messing about with Rick and I'm finally starting to fit in, I think that when mum and dad get better I'm going to really miss this place.


Rick's P.O.V

It was quiet again the next morning, downstairs that is, everyone was hanging out in their rooms messing around, I wanted a bit of peace and quiet to myself, so I sat in the kitchen working on a new song.

After ten minutes alone, Tyler walked in from the garden, he had something in his hands, he was definitely up to something.

"Tyler. What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see."

I shook my head, he's up to no good, whatever he has in his hands, it was going to scare someone, I knew it.

I didn't even get five minutes of silence afterwards, I was suddenly interrupted by a piercing scream coming from outside, I recognized that scream, it was Hannah, and something was very wrong, I dropped everything and ran outside, Hannah was jumping around, waving her arms like mad.

"Hannah! Hannah, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Get it off me! Get it off! Where is it?" she screamed.

"Where's what?"

"The spider! Get it away from me!"

She vigorously started pointing at her head, I noticed a dark body stuck in her hair.

"Okay, okay. Stay still."

Hannah was shaking like a leaf, she stopped jumping around and stood still, she squealed slightly as I gently pulled this spider out of her hair, it was only a small one.

"It's only a small one."

Hannah instantly backed away.

"Get that freak away from me! I hate spiders!"

"Okay, okay. Just calm down."

I put the spider down and looked up, Tyler was looking out of the window grinning wide.

"Tyler!" I shouted. "You've gone too far!"

Tyler disappeared from the window, but I dashed inside to confront him, he was just coming down the stairs, giggling like a monkey.

"Tyler, this isn't funny." I said, blocking his path.

"You should have seen the look on Hannah's face though, priceless!"

"Tyler, you really upset Hannah, she's got a huge fear of spiders."

"It was just a joke."

"Like when that water bomb went through my bedroom window causing Elektra to step on my records and break them was 'just a joke'."

"Yeah, but that was different, I was aiming for Gina, it was an accident."

"Just go and apologize to Hannah."

"Alright, alright. If you're going to be sticking up for your girlfriend."

"She's not, we're just friends."

"Yeah...at the moment."

I made sure that Tyler got talking to Hannah, but I couldn't help but think about what people have been saying recently about us two, I mean, sure, Hannah's a cool girl, we've got a lot in common, and to be brutally honest, I think that I have fallen for Hannah.

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