Chapter 3

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I woke up early the next morning, I got a much better sleep, but still had the same nightmare, Rick's starting to appear in it even more now, that was starting to make me wonder, do I seriously have feelings for him?

I got washed and dressed before anyone else, and went downstairs into the kitchen, I thought that I was going to be the first one there, but Elektra was already there, I tried not to make eye contact, and sat on the opposite end of the table, as far away from her that I could get.

"You okay?" She asked.

"What do you care?"

"Look, I'm sorry that I upset you yesterday...I was just jealous okay?"


"Yeah, you still have a mum and dad, you could have a chance to get out of here, whereas most of us here, aren't going to get out that easily."

"Well I might not get out that easily, you said yesterday. My mum and dad might not even make it."

Because I hadn't been looking at Elektra, I didn't notice what she had in her hands, it was some kind of book.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I felt really bad about what I said, so I...I erm...I got you this."

She slid the book across the table, it was a book on crochet patterns.

"Are you taking the mickey with this?" I asked.

"No, I know that you're really into crochet, and that's only just come out, I thought it's be the best way to say sorry."

"Wow, thanks Elektra. But you really didn't have to buy this to say sorry."

"It's alright...I still think that crochet it lame though."

I laughed, even thought Elektra is pretty mean sometimes, she can be alright sometimes.

"I promise that I won't tell the others."

"Tell them what?"

"About your soft side, I know that you'd like to keep the reputation."

Elektra chuckled and looked down at her hands.

"So are we alright now?"

"I don't think that we were ever 'alright'."

At that point everyone came flooding into the kitchen, Tee sat next to me and Rick and Tyler sat opposite.

"Couldn't sleep?" Rick asked.

"I slept better than I have been, I just wanted to get up early today."

Rick just nodded and began talking to Tyler.

"Where'd you get the book?" Tee asked.

I looked at Elektra, she was still looking down at her hands, picking at her nails.

"It's just a little gift from someone."


"Just someone."

I could tell that Tee knew who I was talking about, but she rarely ever snitches.

After breakfast I was going to be decorating my room, I didn't really want much, just white walls, I was going to add to the walls as a sort of collage or mural. I've always been into art.

Mike gave me a hand moving the furniture around, I moved my boxes of crochet into the hall so they wouldn't get covered in paint, we covered everything else up with cloth, Rick came to give me a hand with the painting, it was a big mistake for Mike to leave us alone.

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