Chapter 1

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The care home looked rather nice from the outside, it was a large white building, a gravel driveway, a small front garden with an Elmtree, I guess that's how it got the name. There was ivy growing up the walls and had big windows.

Mike led me inside and left me in the hallway while he went into the office. There was some quiet talking above me, there was three girls on the stairs looking at me, I gave them a small wave and looked down at my feet.

"Hi." Said one of the girls.


"What happened to your head?"

At that point, Mike came out of the office.

"Okay girls. Give her some space, she's been through a lot the past couple of days." He said leading me into the office. In the office was a tall slender woman with long wavy brown hair. "Hannah, this is Kathy, she's going to be your social worker."

"Hi Hannah." Said Kathy, holding out her hand. "I know that you're going to find it strange to be here for the first few weeks, but you're bound to settle in soon, if you ever want to talk to me I'm just a phone call away."

"It's nice to meet you Kathy, but I'm sure that I'll be out of here soon." I looked at Mike. "Can I go meet the others now? Get it over with?"


Mike led me out of the office and to the lounge, there were lots of kids there, some boys were playing pool, some of them were watching TV and the three girls that I saw earlier, were sat doing their nails.

"Okay everyone, listen up." Everyone went quiet. "This is Hannah, she's going to be staying here for a while, she's been through a lot recently, so be gentle to her." No one said a word. "Okay, I'll leave you all to get along. I'll go and sort out your room, Hannah."

"Thanks Mike."

I walked in and sat down on the sofa, I didn't say a word or looked at anyone, but I could feel people looking at me. I looked up and I was right.

"Why are you all staring at me?" I asked.

A young boy with dark curly hair, a blue polo shirt and beige trousers sat next to me on the sofa, he had a small black notebook in his hand.

"My name's Gus Carmichael, what's you full name?"

"Hannah Victoria Limeburn, that's L-I-M-E-B-U-R-N."

"What did you do to get the bandage on your head?"

"I had an accident."

"What sort of accident?"

"It was just an accident, just leave it at that."

"Every accident is different so what kind was it?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

"But you'll have to talk about it sooner or later, so you might as well talk about it now."

"What if I don't ever want to talk about it."

"Then you won't feel better about it."

"You might as well tell him, he won't stop asking until he finds out." Said one of the girls, she had brown hair with blue streaks.

"But I don't want to talk about it."

"Why?" asked Gus.

"Because it's too upsetting."

"How upsetting is too upsetting."

"Oh for god's sake will you just stop going on about it?"

"Hey calm down, you don't have to get so wound up about it, just tell him and he'll leave you alone." Said the blue girl.

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