|22| The First One.

Start from the beginning

I'm getting out of this fucking strange place!

He hurried toward the door with big steps. But before he could take more, The door of the terrace opened and Harry halted.

A dark figure emerged from the door. And moves toward where harry was. His steps calm like a lion and his aura felt more dead than living.

Harry scrunched his face.
Where have I seen him?

The guy stopped a foot away from Harry at the same time, the moon came out of clouds. Giving enough light to the face of the guy. Harrys' eyes widened at the sudden realisation.


The figure smiled."Yes Me." His voice was barely loud.

Then he walked ahead of Harry toward the railing of the Academy. Harry followed him.

They both stood side by side.

There was just something about the guy which made Harry mindful. Harry looked at him. "I've heard a lot about you from-"

"Really?" The person cut off Harry abruptly and strangely his tone was empty. But there was something in his manner, which made it like he was taunting Harry with some inside joke.

Harry clenched his jaw as irritation crept into him. Harry was not just a scholarship student now. He was more than that. But he knew the person in front of him have more power over him. So he unclenched his jaw and smiled at the person in front of him.

This is what Harry always had done.
Smiling, even when he wanted to do nothing but to beat the crap out of these rich bastards.

"Yeah," Harry responded and backed off from the railing. Not remembering when he came this close to the edge?

Harry looked up toward the person, thinking about the ways to make this person profitable to himself.

What was his name again? Harry scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. Fúck, how did I forget!

"What is your name again? I actually can't recall it." Harry let out embarrassingly.

But the answer which was given to him was not something he had expected.

The person started to laugh. Like Harry had just said the most remarkable joke of the decade.
But something was off. Harry could feel it in his bones. Immediately He backed out from the person.
However, listening to his laugh, Harry began to feel uneasy and heavy.
Let me get out of this place and away from this fella!

With that in his mind, harry walked ahead of the person, who was still laughing. He again walked toward the terrace door. But somehow today, the door seemed far for him.

He had taken only two steps when the laugh stopped and someone caught his hand. Harry looked behind to see that the person had gripped his arm rather tightly.

And the expression on person's face was so evil, that it made harrys' heart drop. Harry tried to free his arm from the person's grip. But it was in vain.

Harry tried to stay calm and inquired with authority in his voice.
"What is the meaning of this!? Let go of my hand!"

The person stared at Harry in confusion then unexpectedly grinned at him. "Harry don, the Academy's gem. The friend of everyone. The happy go, lucky person. The first scholarship student who is accepted by students of Elite academy. Right?"
Suddenly, his demeanor shifted and he tightened his grip, "But no one knows what you have concealed behind these smiles and kindness."
His words were spoken through clenched teeth as if controlling something.

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