"Cassie, you can't control everything!" Remus said breathily, rubbing his thumb on Cassie's cheek. "What happened today was absolutely out of your control. It's understandable. You don't have to be hard on yourself for that!" he explained, his eyes meeting Cassandra's dark black eyes.

"That, that woman," Cassandra started, her voice very soft, "Who was she?"

"I think you know the answer," Remus smiled humourlessly, standing up on his feet, letting go of his goddaughter. Cassie nodded in response, still deep in thought. With a sigh, he began to move away from her.

"Julia," she said confidently, making Remus abruptly turn around as he made his way to his office.

"That woman, Julia. She's my mum, isn't she?" Cassandra continued.

"W- what makes you come to that conclusion?" Remus asked, facing the Black. His voice quavered a slight bit and he had prayed to Merlin that Cassandra hadn't noticed it, but unfortunately, she did.

"So she is," Cassandra affirmed, her face straight, "You obviously must know that because both the parents usually appoint someone a kid's godfather. So then why do you not talk about her? Is she like dad?" Cassie asked, taking demanding steps towards Remus.

"I don't know," Remus responded simply.

"What do you not know?" Cassie question back, getting impatient. All her life, she has been scouring every single book and piece of family trees to figure out the identity of her mother but it was all in vain. She knew Remus and Dumbledore knew all too well who her mother was but had refused to disclose any sort of information about her. No matter how much she tried to trick them into spilling the beans, all her attempts had gone down the drain. And now, thanks to that cat and her godfather's nervous voice, she had found out that her mother's name was indeed Julia. She looked at Lupin, her eyes hungry for information.

"I don't know if she is like you father," Remus elaborated, tucking his hands into his pocket. Cassie squinted her eyes at him. She may be only thirteen, but her demeanour and poise she held could make anyone – including adults - frightened of her.

"I honestly do not know of her fate," Remus swore, his eyes tearing through Cassie's. "I don't know what happened to her and what I do know, I'm not supposed to tell you. And before you ask why (Remus had predicted it all too well as they had had this conversation a trillion times before as while and like all those times, Cassie had opened her mouth to ask the same question as always) as I have always said, it is not my place to tell you anything. If you are to hear it, you are to hear it from Dumbledore or perhaps herself, if she may be alive," he added the last part quickly when Cassie raised her eyebrows with a questioning look on her face.

"Now, you must really return to your friends. They looked awfully worried about you and I think you need to give them some sort of explanation," Remus informed, opening the doors for Cassie.

"I don't need to give them any explanation. All they will ask is if I am alright, to which I will respond in positive and then walk up to my dorm room and sit on my bed, reading yet another book Hermione has lent me to read," Cassandra explained in a stern voice. Remus chuckled in response before waving her off with a nod.

Just like Cassandra said, the trio cornered her as soon as she walked through the portrait hole asking if she was alright. As predicted, she responded positively and gave them a polite smile before walking up to her dorm room and sitting down to read a book. A few moments later, Hermione shuffled in, locking the door behind her.

"Who was that woman," she demanded, making Cassie look up from her book.

"I've had visions about her. Didn't realise I'd grow so attached to her by some visions," Cassie answered truthfully, ending with a dry chuckle.

"You're hiding something," Hermione said worriedly. She sat at the foot of Cassie's bed and said with a soft smile, "You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

"Yes, Mi, and I thoroughly appreciate it. But what I hide, no one in this world is ready for it. It's going to make everyone look at me differently," Cassie explained.

"But you are different!" Hermione reasoned with a chuckle.

"I'm talking of a bad different Mi. It's not good. But anyway, we are too young to talk about it so better not. And talking about hiding things, you are hiding stuff too Hermione," Cassie said, catching the girl unaware.

"What do you mean?" she asked nervously, her hand instinctively grabbing something handing on her neck.

"You really thought I would not notice your sudden disappearances and how you manage to attend every single one of your classes?" Cassie smirked.

"Well yeah," Hermione smiled back.

"I figured out Professor McGonagall gave you a time turner. It takes a lot of persuasion from the ministry to get one, so consider yourself extremely lucky!" Cassie appreciated, making the Granger girl blush. She bit her lip once and pulled out her time turner.

"Well, since you already know of it, you surely won't mind me using it right?" she chuckled. Cassandra shook her head with an extremely weak smile. Hermione grinned before using the time turner and disappearing into thin air. A few moments later, she walked back into the room, slamming her muggle studies books on the nightstand. With a dramatic sigh, she tossed herself on the bed and looked at Cassie and said, "Wake me up for dinner, I'm staying up all night so I'm taking my rest now,"

"Good," Cassie asserted after dutifully nodding to her best friend's order. 

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