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Hardin should be home any minute he offered to go and get food so I'm waiting here with the children Auden sitting on my lap quieter than usual and Emery colouring on the ground "mommy I made a picture"she holds up her drawing "it's beautiful do you want to put it on the fridge"I tell her and she runs into the kitchen coming back out "Auden why are you been so quiet"she climbs up beside me and he hides is head "Auden is really little mommy is that why he isn't playing with me "I think so he must be tried it's almost his bed time but someone is taking forever"I joke "daddy can never be on time not like us we are always on time"she smiles proudly

"that's right sweetie"I tell her and Hardin comes in "finally daddy you took forever"she drops her hands onto her lap "there was a line"he playfully says putting the pizza box beside us and Auden let's put a little whine

"Are you tried baby Hardin I'll put him to bed I'll be back out"

"Goodnight buddy"I walk down to our room changing Auden into his pyjamas and I just sit in the bed while he lays on me I don't know if he is just tired because he never usually acts like this he falls asleep on me clinging onto me and Hardin comes in "babe the pizza is getting cold"

"He just fell asleep on me I need to put him in his crib"I tell him and he takes him off of me and gently places him down "do you think he is feeling ok"

"He seems fine to me"he says and we go out to Emery "I saved you a slice"she points into the box "thank you"I tell her taking the slice

After eating the pizza we sit watching tv "you know what I like about been the big sister"Emery turns to us "I get to stay up with you when Auden goes to bed"she laughs "well sorry princess but it's time for bed"Hardin says and her smiling stops "daddy no please 10 extra minutes"she does her little puppy's eyes "you got 10 extra minutes last night"

"Please"she does her little smile showing her dimples that get her away with everything "sorry put not tonight"he throws her over his shoulder and "goodnight mommy"she shouts as they walk away "well now we have time to ourself"he drops down beside me and I drop my head on his lap "my legs are killing me"I stretch them out "what from last night"he smirks "you perv from my exercise class"I tell him and he laughs "ok"we sit talking watch some movies before both of us go to bed

"Mama mama"I wake up to the sound of Auden
crying in his crib I crawl to the end of the crib "shhh baby what's wrong"

"Mama"he puts his arms up and starts coughing he sounds really chesty I pick him up and cradle him in my arms and he holds onto my and keeps coughing I thinks it's hurting him "Hardin wake up"I nudge him and he opens his eyes "what's..wrong"he says yawing "Auden doesn't sound right to me what do you think"I sit Auden up and he is wheezing and is struggling to breathe "Tessa somethings not right I don't think he can breathe"Hardin says "we need to get him to the hospital"I get out of bed quickly throwing anything on "Shit what about Emery"I forgot about she was here I was too focused on Auden "try call Landon we can't leave her here she is only 7"I tell him and he leaves the room

Auden sounds like he is getting worse by the minute I jut keep on rubbing his back "He answered he said drop her over"

"Thank god let's just get her and go"I tell him I wait at the door and Hardin comes out with Emery still sleeping but slowly waking up it's only 2am.Hardin drives as quick as he can to Landons Emery didn't wake up the whole time of the car journey.

Auden is asleep but I can hear is breathing and it does not sound good.We get to the hospital and immediately we are rushed with Auden.I feel like crying looking at him on the bed while they attach an oxygen mask on him he is only 9 months and I know he hates other people besides those around him like me ,Hardin and Emery and I just want to be holding him fought now "it's ok love you can hold him soon"Hardin wraps his arms around knowing exactly what I'm thinking "he doesn't like people at him he is probably so scared"I tell him and I hear him sigh "I know let's just try not to think about it we will have him in our arms soon"he cups my cheeks and I nod

Tessa and Hardin and everything in between Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin