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I don't know what went through me and Tessa's head but we are doing a 3 hour road trip with both kids Tessa found this nice little home update that she said would make a 'perfect week away' 

Auden our sweet little boy is now going through his terrible twos Emery never left hers she is now in her terrible 8s I strap Auden into his car seat and Emery beside him hoping they keep eachother occupied we start the drive we got up early so we can get their with avoiding traffic "mommy"

"Yes Auden"

"I'm weepy"he says and Emery starts laughing "weepy hahaahah"

"Emery don't make fun of him"I tell her "Try go alseep Auden"Tessa says "I want mommy"

"Baby I can't where driving Emery is beside you"she says "no"he slaps Emery "ouch dad Auden hit me"Emery crys

"You will be ok Auden don't hit your sister"I scold him and he kicks his seat this is going to be a long drive

Thankfully both kids have calmed down Tessa is just taking in the views of the scenery outside I look back and Auden is alseep and Emery is on her IPad

We decide to pull into a diner we are all hungry I carry a sleeping Auden inside "I want fries"Emery tells us "I'm going to get pancakes"Tessa says "me to Emery Rae you sure you want fries so early"

"Yes that's what I want"she tells us we Oder some extra food for Auden for when he wakes up

We make our way back to the car to continue the drive and Auden starts to wake up Tessa hands some food back to him "for goodness sakes"Emery huffs "what's wrong child"I sarcastically say "my stupid iPad is gone dead"she says "Emery" Tessa says to her "sorry mom"

It's about two hours in and we have one hour left Tessa is gone asleep and so is Auden and I can hear Emery talking to herself in the back "boring boring why is this car so boring"I shake my heads laughing at her comments 

Of course with a half an hour left both kids are up and full of energy and decided to have a competition of who can shout the loudest "ahhhhh"Auden says "AHHHH"Emery does it even louder and Tessa looks to me "how long left"she chuckles "about a painful 25 minutes"I tell her and the kids are still screaming

"Let's have a game who can stay quiet the longest"I suggest "that sounds like a wonderful game"Tessa says I'm looking at the kids and their trying their best not to make any noise "sorry I couldn't do it"well that lasted all of two minutes "no no quiet"Auden shakes his head

Finally we pull up to the house I have to say it actually looks nice I unload the 20 bags Tessa claimed we need and she gets the kids out "wow mom this looks so cool"I hear Emery say and I take the bags inside "I'm going to find my room"Emery runs up stairs Auden following behind her "Hardin isn't this place beautiful"Tessa says "it is not to shabby I have to say"I laugh and we go up to find the kids "look this room has bunk beds this is going to be my room"Emery says "my room"Auden stomps his little feet "sorry buddy but you still need to sleep in a crib"I say luckily this house has one "I like our room"I walk into mine and Tessa's room and their is a big giant king sized bed and a jacuzzi in the room "this brings back memories"I say to Tessa "it does"she turns around kissing me "ahh"i hear Emery running and Tessa pulls away

"Mom dad look"she pulls our hands bringing us to the window there is a beach right there can we please go"she begs us "go get your bathing suit on than"

"Yay"she runs out of the room "I hope you brought your bathing suit"I say to Tessa "your lucky I did"

"She has been on this crazy workout path for the last year and let me tell you her body I get hard even thinking about it if only the kids weren't here "Auden let's get you ready"Tessa says picking him up laying him on the giant bed and I get his bathing suit out and she puts it on him

"I'm ready Emery comes in her bathing suit and sunglasses on "here you have to put sunscreen on it's very warm outside"tell her and take out the sunscreen it's the middle of summer and it's so warm out here I apply it all over her body while she complains that it is sticky I do the same to Auden

We make our way down the long steps to the beach Emery runs along the steps than I realise something "Tess Auden has never been to the beach before"I say to her "oh ye he hasn't I wonder will he like it"she says when we make it down to the beach Tessa sits Auden in the sand he seems to be ok with it he picks it up in his hand dropping it again "I want to go in the water mom please come in the water with me"Emery asks Tessa and she stand up dropping the cover she had on and my god she takes Emery's hand and they walk towards the water and I can't help but stare at her behind

"Daddy"Auden points to the water "do you want to go in the water"I ask him and he nods "yes"I talk his hand and he try's his best to walk in the sand but it's not working out "here buddy"I pick him up and we see Tessa and Emery I put Auden down and let him feel the water at his feet he laughs splashing around "this water feels so nice"Tessa says kneeling down to Auden "baby do you like the water"

"Water tickles"he laughs splashing his feet Emery splashes around us her and Auden having such a good time

Emery falls and let me tell you it did not end good a wave came splashing her causing her to fall and she cried "the water taste disgusting ahhh"she spits out her tongue and I lift her up "it ok it's just salty"

"I don't like that"I can tell she is just over tired we have been out here for ages "let's go back inside have food and we can come down later and watch the sun set"Tessa suggests and I take Emery and she takes Auden we quickly hurry inside it's cold after coming out of the water

We all get in a shower and clean the sea water if us and get dressed for dinner we decide to go to a small restaurant down the street we decide to just get one big pizza between us "the food here is so yummy"Emery says taking her third slice of pizza "this is we need to come back here"Tessa says

Once where finished we make it back in time for the sunset with decide just to sit on the Terrance and watch it the sky pink as the sun sets looking at my beautiful kids and their gorgeous mother I just love it both of them sitting on Tessas lap fighting Auden resting his head back not really caring about the sun set and Emery fascinated by it living in New York with high rise buildings everywhere you don't really see the sun set like you do here

both of the kids yawn the sea breeze probably knocked them out Auden looks like he could fall alseep right here I take him form Tessa taking him to his room with but his crib in Emerys room so he has someone there I go back out and Emery is half asleep now on Tess she gives her a kiss goodnight and I take her bringing her it I her room she wraps her arms and legs stoned me as I carry her in "goodnight princess"

"Good night dad..."she can't even get her sentence out she is falling straight asleep I close the door over and go back to Tessa still sitting outside I take a seat next to her "isn't it just beautiful so peaceful"she wraps her leg around mine "it is love"I kiss her forehead and she turns to look at me she kisses my lips drawing It it out before standing up

"where are you going"I say trying to grab her hand "the hot tub"she says and I swear all the blood flows straight to my dick I quickly hurry behind her and we both laugh like two school children I take of my top and shorts climbing in and she takes of her dress coming in with just her bra

Within seconds she is on my lap her hands tangled in my hair kissing my lips both of our tongue fighting for dominance I reach behind her unclipping her bra letting the straps fall down her side both of our breathings are so heavy right now I reach down to her underwear pulling it down "tune around"I whisper in her ear and she nods and I take them of "your gong to have to be quiet where not how alone"I whisper in hear ear and she lets out a moan "Hardin"She moans ....

It's now 1am and both of us are laying on the bed out of breathe naked we have been going at it for hours I think we are finally done "here"I throw her my shirt and she puts it on she gives me one last kiss before she falls asleep at my side I gently climb out of bed I check just to make sure the kids haven't woke up I open the door and they are both fast asleep I close it back over and go back to our room I climb in beside Tessa pulling her close to me before going asleep

Tessa and Hardin and everything in between Where stories live. Discover now