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8 months pregnant today our little girl is constantly kicking me she must have long legs like her dad it's 3 in the morning and I have been up the past hour trying to sleep my back is killing me Trish told me when she was pregnant with Hardin he constantly kick and moved around and I have a strange feeling this child is going to be Hardin's mini version I unwrap my self from Hardin climbing out of the end maybe walking up and down will help

I walk out to the living room and walk around "baby you should be asleep"I run my stomach "Tess what are you doing"I hear Hardin's sleepy voice "Someone's awake"I say pointing to my stomach he walks towards me placing his hand on my stomach "little one stop waking your mummy up"he says making me smile and next of all I get a big kick "I don't think she cares"I laugh and than grab onto Hardins arm "are you ok"

"...I...oww"I say in pain "Tessa"

"I.. think I'm in labour"I say "what your not due for 3 weeks"

"I thought it was just kicks but..I don't know"I do feel a lot of pressure "let's just time incase it's contractions"I tell her and he helps me sit down on the couch and he runs my back the pain is getting more intense and I feel like something is just to fall out of me if I stand up it's been about 7 minutes and I feel another one coming I squeeze Hardin's hand as he talks me through it "it's ok love just breathe"

"Maybe we should go the hospital"I tell her "I'll get the bags"he says and I follow him down to the room I change my clothes and we get the bags

When we get into the car it really hits me he holds my hand as we drive to the hospital Hardin holding my hand as we drive "know what I was just thinking"he says to me "the next time were in this car we will have our daughter"he smiles at me and my heart honestly jumps a beat everyday it amazes me how I could love him more

We get into the hospital and check in Hardin made sure they gave us a private room I have to change into the hospital gown they gave me "it's cute"Hardin smirks "shut up"I sit on the bed the nurse comes in putting the iv drip in that really hurt and than she leaves us alone "how are you feeling"Hardin asks me "I'm doing ok just hoping it won't be long she did say I'm 6 centimetres maybe I'll just walk around"Hardin helps me up of the bed and holds my hand and we walk around the room "here's another one"I lay my head on I'm and he runs my shoulders "it's ok love it will be over soon the pain"he says and I look up at him and he kisses my forehead "it will be worth it when the little monster comes out"he tells me "little monster"

"Well she is my child"

It's been about 2 hour since I was only 6cm and now I'm only 7cm dilated "she is taking her time"The midwife says as she finishes checking me "I'll be back in a little bit"she says leaving our midwife is so nice it turns out she actually went to NYU also and we where there around the same time

Hardin moves to get beside me as much as he can "little one your taking an awfully long time"he taps my stomach "she is certainly taking her time like her father"

"She did want to come early I'm never early"he says "that is true but now she doesn't want to move"I remind him "true"he laughs and I feel another contraction I squeeze my eyes tight this is the strongest one there has been I just breathe in and out trying to relive the pain

"Are you sure you don't want the epidural"he asks me "no I can do without it"I tell him breathing in and out squeezing his hand all I'm thinking about is our girl will be here soon I will finally have a baby we will finally have a baby

Another hour his by and the midwife comes back in "Tessa let's see have you dilated"she says "well it looks like your 10cm"she tells us "you are just about ready to push"she says and another two nurses come in Hardin is standing at my head "ok Tessa in your next contraction I want you push"she says and I get ready for my next one I know will be any second I quickly grab Hardin's hand "it's ok love don't be scared"he whispers to me "shhh"he strikes my hair back from my face "ok Tessa big push"I hear and I try push as hard as I can "ahhhh"I scream "and relax...1..2...3 and pay again"I try lay has hard as I can "keep going keep going the bays crowing"

Tessa and Hardin and everything in between Where stories live. Discover now