Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]

Start from the beginning

"How?" Remus croaked out past suddenly dry lips.

"Silver colour is Arthurs color it's what gives me the rights to be the next heir to the throne." Hadrian claimed grinning at the slumped werewolf.

Remus gives a quiet hum to stunned to respond to the influx of information. After that he sometimes Joined Hadrian in the lessons with the Black Elder in the Ancestral Hall, it's quite ironic to call it Ancestral Hall what with the soft sofa and tables and desks placed throughout the place it looked more like a study hall.

He knows half of the Lesson which his Godson takes but for some reason Hadrian mastered Wandless Magic up until 3rd Year curriculum and it proves that he has a Talent in Charms and Potions just like Lily.

Before meeting Hadrian Remus wondered what happened to his Godson, is he gonna resemble his father? His mother? Or something else entirely? But the moment he saw the Munchkin those thoughts were thrown away, the Boy was too kind for this world. Hadrian is a replica of Lily and it makes him relieved that his Godson didn't follow the footstep of his father, seriously studying about his Heritage as he aims to reclaim the Throne of the Royal Family.

"Hadrian... Did you say you don't like to play Quidditch?" Remus once ask

"I don't know how to play but I followed the Quidditch match, I love flying..." Hadrian says with grin.

That grin and love of flying were the only traits he got from James, other than that he is purely Lily's son and a Black. It is also the influence of the Black Elder who teach him the Politic of the Wizarding World Both domestic and international. Not at all surprisingly he absorbs everything like a sponge taking everything the Elders say to him and storing it away for later use. Sometimes Hadrian has a debate with the Elder about Politic displaying his more Slytherin side as he and the elder blacks try to outwit one another.

This make the Elders of the Black Family proud of him until the day that he shows his Slytherin blood in full when he found a Snake in the Garden and brought it inside making Remus choke on air.

"Where did you get that Snake?" Remus ask warily eyeing the snake in his godsons arms.

"I summoned her." Hadrian show the snake who yawned displaying sharp fangs glistening in the light.

"Summonded Her?" Remus ask alert.

"Yes! I was practicing surpensortia and then a Snake comes out of nowhere and then she spoke English to me! it's amazing!" Hadrian said looking at the snake.

#He's my Godfather, Remus Lupin...# Hadrian says not noticing how pale Remus had become.

#He reek of the Wolf...# She say to Hadrian making him giggle.

#He's a Werewolf...# Hadrian tells her as he gently pets her scales.

"Hadrian..." Remus calls him in a wary way to make him look at him,"You're not speaking English..."

Hadrian remains silent looking at Remus blinking,"I.. I speak the Serpent Language... Parseltongue..." He teared up and making him flustered,"Do you hate me for speaking Parseltongue?"

"No no... There is nothing wrong with it, I was just surprised.." Remus sent the snake away and hugged him,"Parseltongue is a Trait of Slytherin Descendant... How are you a Slytherin Descendant?"

"I think because of this Mark..." Hadrian said looking up at his Godfather,"You dont hate me for having a dark trait?"

Remus snorted,"You were already dark, Cub... No matter what it is a blessing.. What do you know about Parseltongue?"

Hadrian leaned into his Godfathers warmth and hummed," In India it is seen as Sacred..."

"See... There is nothing wrong just because the last Parseltongues is a Dark Lord... You must be proud to have one trait of Salazar Slytherin in you..." Remus says.

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