The *sort of* Calm before the Storm

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This one's long, I apologize. And angsty. I'll have a fluff chapter soon though, with some platonic anxceit.

Again, art's mine, don't steal. (And give me validation, I'm needy)


Janus growled at a knock at his door. He opened it, only to find a sobbing Remus at his door. Janus groaned and closed the door for a second, straightening his hat and opening the door again. Unfortunately, Remus was still there.

"J-Janus," Remus spluttered, trying to form a sentence.

"Hot cocoa?" was all Janus said, guiding Remus to the living room. Remus nodded softly before burying his face in Janus' cape.

Virgil met them in the living room. He rolled his eyes and got to work on the hot cocoa, not saying a word.

"I'm s-sorry." Remus sat down on the couch, hugging Janus tightly.

"Remus, I'm not mad at you," Janus promised. "You have nothing to be sorry about." He wiped a tear from Remus' cheek. "I'm right here."

That just made it worse. Remus was full out bawling now. "Y- you're- you're t- too nice."

Janus sighed, not sure how to respond. "Why didn't you go to Patton?"

"P-Patton always sides with Roman. He- he never listens to me! Roman's his- his- hi- his favorite."

Virgil sat down next to Remus and hugged him. Remus pulled both Janus and Virgil closer, trying to absorb their warmth.

"Well, you're our favorite Remus," Janus said finally.

"You're- you're just saying that. After all, you are deceit."

"I'm not lying. I promise. Who likes Roman anyway? He's so snotty and uppity, always acting like he rules anyone else. I don't know why Patton would prefer him over you."

Remus stared at Janus and let out a weak smile. "Y-yeah. Who- who likes him?"

Virgil snorted. "That little prince can have it. He's just a little brat."

Remus curled into himself. "But he's my brother. I don't want to be mean."

"It's alright to be upset at him. You don't have to pretend to be nice all the time," Janus whispered, running his fingers through Remus' hair.

"But- but Patton says we should always be nice."

"Then Patton's wrong."

Remus gasped. "How can you say that?"

"Patton isn't as perfect as he looks, and that's okay."

Remus stared at Janus in confusion. "But he's morality! How can he be wrong?"

"Sometimes it's better to listen to Logan than Patton, right?"


"So Patton's wrong then?"


"See? You don't always have to listen to him."

Remus smiled nervously. "So that means he's wrong when he thinks Roman's the better creativity?"

"Of course he is."

Remus looked at Virgil, who nodded in confirmation.

"Thanks." Remus hugged Janus tightly. Janus chuckled slightly.

"That's, that's quite alright Remus. Now, do you want to go back or stay here for the night?"

"Stay here?"

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