The Split

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AN: This is an old fanfic, so it isn't a reflection of my current writing. I may or may not continue it, so please forgive me.

The image is some old artwork of mine. I might occasionally post my art on here, but it's not going to be related to the story. Yes, the cover art isn't mine, I'm working on it.


Creativity was tired. He had a splitting headache, and every other sense was dull. He couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't feel anything. His breathing was shallow and pained, and it felt like his world was splitting into two. His vision was blurred, and he saw two images instead of one. Surely a little headache couldn't cause all of this.

Creativity stifled a yawn, trying to focus back on the paper. Stupid writer's block, he thought. He couldn't think of anything good. But Thomas needed him, so he kept trying. Gross and disturbing ideas kept popping up in Creativity's head, but he pushed them down. He had to focus.



Creativity's head slumped, and his head hit the desk. He tried to sit back up, but against his will, his eyes closed, and he faded into a deep sleep.

Roman awoke at the desk, the headache gone. He rubbed at his temples. The page was still blank, but he had just had an incredible dream, and he knew exactly what story to write.

He finished quickly, his handwriting messy as he tried to write it all down before he forgot. Logan could rewrite it in better handwriting later anyway. He yawned, and rushed out of the room, ready to share with everyone his creation.

"Guys, guys, I figured out the story!" Roman declared, waving the notebook.

"That's great kiddo!" Patton said, back turned and cooking something in the pan.

"Don't you want to hear it?" Roman asked. "It's so good, you're going to love it!"

"How about you read it to us at breakfast?" Patton said. He finally turned around, and let out a few short gasp.

"You- You changed your outfit?" Roman glanced down at his pristine white shirt and red sash.

"Oh- uh, I dunno. Just woke up with it."

"Well, it looks awesome Creativity!"

"Oh, that's another thing! You know how I never had a name?"


"I woke up this morning, and now I know my name exactly! It's Roman!"

"That's great kiddo. Sounds like you had a long night though. Do you want to rest a little longer?"

"Nope! This is so great, I've got so many ideas! It's awesome!"

Patton smiled. "Alright, why don't I grab Logan? Then you can tell us all about your ideas."

Roman bounced up and down eagerly. "I can't wait!"

On the other side of the mindscape, Remus woke up to voices.

"Who the hell is he? Did Thomas gain another side?"

A snort came from beside the first speaker. "Please, Thomas hasn't had a new side since me. And that was eight years ago. How could he gain a new side now?"

"I don't know. He kind of looks like creativity though. If he went full-on black and just had a green sash."

Remus sat up. "That's because I am Creativity! But you can call me Remus."

The first speaker wore a black hoodie and hunched into himself. He seemed shy and scared. The second speaker stood taller than the other speaker, although he seemed younger, a capelet on his shoulders and a hat on his head. He wore yellow gloves, but perhaps what was most astonishing was the left side of his body was covered in scales, which twinkled like diamonds on his skin. The only thing that broke them was a long ugly scar that ran from the corner of his mouth to his ear.

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