Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]

Start from the beginning

"Oh?" Death asks in intrigued. If Harry can see its Appearance perhaps it looks like a Cat, tilting its head with a Cheshire grin

"What happened to Tom Riddle?" Harry asked after he took a deep breath.

"His soul is scattered away Master... He can not stay or Rest In Peace. Tom Riddle is a victim, the same as you, he was a scapegoat used by Albus Dumbledore. He is your King. Soulmates can not live without each other." Death explained.

"I- Can you explain..." Harry says in a questionable tone.

"Yes, Master... Tom Riddle is a Pure-Blood, the Slytherin, and Ravenclaw heir. He was a charming man and he wanted to change the Wizarding World to its former glory. Embracing the old Holliday's once more changing Christmas to Yule, And Halloween to Samhain. He wanted to change the world he embraced as his home. Albus Dumbledore who saw it felt threatened by his power and knowledge so he plot against him to become the next Dark Lord, the people began to shun him except his followers. Albus Dumbledore was the one who commanded Slughorn to tell Tom Riddle about Horcruxes, Slughorn couldn't do anything except obey him since Albus Dumbledore had lots of power and the fact that everyone believed in him. Tom Riddle didn't know the consequence but Albus Dumbledore did and the little bit of sanity he had slipped away with that first Horcrux..."

"And Voldemort was born..." Harry said, finishing Death's sentence in his hand then he blinks when heard something wrong from his Knowledge, "Wait, Wait, Pure-Blood? I thought he was Half-Blood?!"

Death smirking inside the darkness and for some reason, Harry can sense the Michievous in it Silver Eyes as he purred, "What the fun for I to answer that, Master~"

 Harry sigh took a deep breath, balled into a fist then unclenched and took a deep breath, "I dream about him... Voldemort and Tom Riddle, they are different people."

"Yes, master... They're different people..." Death responded.

"Every night I dream about those crimson eyes," Harry admitted, looking down.

"Yes, Master, the Longing of the Soulmate is painful indeed..." Death informed him.

"Everything he said was a lie... I have no doubt that the prophecy that began this madness was also fake..." Harry said, rubbing his face up and down with his hand.

"Yes, Master... That prophecy was indeed Fake..." Deaths words trailed off making Harry's head snapped up.

"What?" He asks in disbelief.

"There was no such prophecy, It was Albus Dumbledore's plan to let Sybill Trelawney have another interview in the Pub. It was because of this a Death Eater heard of it, also" he said pausing dramatically, "It was Albus Dumbledore's spell to control Sybill Trelawney that produced the fake prophecy..."

"What was the prophecy?" Harry asks with dread in his stomach

"The one with the power to stand along the Dark Lord approaches. Born as the seventh month dies, the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal.

Heir of the Serpent and Eagle will stand beside Heir of the Lion and Badger who will become a King...

He who stands and is marked by the lost one will bring back the former glory of the Wizarding World and the Long Lost Forgotten Britain Royal Magical family will return...

The Kings who are destined to bring back the Wizarding World to its former glory will be blessed by the Lady Magic Herself...

Either must not die at the hand of others for neither can live without the other by their side...

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