"The doll has never willingly touched someone before," the doctor says as he noted it down. "The monster often mentioned how he liked holding hands too," Namjoon's doctor says as he also noted some things down. They both watched from a tv in another room what was happening in the room Jimin and Namjoon were in.

So now the boys just stand in the room, holding each other's hand and looking at each other dearly. Jimin was glad he could make Namjoon feel at least a bit better about how the doctors treated him. However soon it started to smell gross in the room because of the decaying bodies and they both wanted out. Jimin looks back at the bodies, "no, don't look at them," Namjoon says and steps between him and the bodies. Jimin looks up at him and blinks before looking at the door.

"Do you think we can go somewhere else?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin didn't know, so he just keeps looking at the door. "How about we go to your room," Namjoon suggests and Jimin looks back at him just to blink. Namjoon nods and then they start walking to the door, keeping their hands interlocked together. However as they get closer to the door it opens and Jimin's doctor steps inside the room.

Instantly Namjoon steps in front of Jimin, somehow feeling like if he should protect Jimin. "What were you guys planning on doing?" The doctor asks and Namjoon felt as if that was a bit suspicious of the doctor to say so he looks back into the room, quickly scanning it and finding the hidden cameras. He hums and then straightens his posture. "It stinks in here, and we want to go to Jimin's room," Namjoon says and the doctor raises his eyebrows.

"You know the dolls real name?" The doctor asks a bit shocked since no one refers to Jimin as Jimin anymore. "Yeah, What about it?" Namjoon says with attitude. The doctor hums, "did he tell you his name?" The doctor wonders. "No, I saw it on some papers," Namjoon answers and the doctor nods. "What papers?" He asks. "Why does it matter huh!?" Namjoon suddenly yells and Jimin felt his heart sink. He gently squeezes Namjoon's hand and Namjoon looks down at Jimin before realizing he should calm himself down. He takes a deep breath in then looks back at the doctor that chuckles.

"Bring us to Jimin's room," Namjoon a bit more calmly demands and the doctor looks at Namjoon with a mocking smile that just made Namjoon want to kill him so badly. But he didn't want to do such a thing in front of Jimin. "Why do you want to go to his room again?" The doctor asks and Namjoon grists his teeth, the ash starting to grow around him. "I told you already, it stinks in here and we want a room that isn't bugged," Namjoon says, holding back as much as he could. Jimin felt a bit scared and felt as if something bad might happen.

The doctor nods and then looks at Jimin, "doll, would you like to go to your room with this monster?" The doctor says almost in a offensive way. Jimin blinks yes and the doctor nods, "alright, follow me," the doctor says and Namjoon nods, looking down at Jimin who looked up at him. The doctor starts walking and they follow, still holding hands as they walked down the hallway behind the doctor.

Arrived at the elevator they walk in and the doctor presses the button to go to Jimin's floor. They stand in the elevator in silence, patiently waiting until it dings and they arrive at Jimin's floor. The doctor steps out the elevator first and then Jimin and Namjoon follows. They go down the hallway and then arrive at Jimin's bedroom door. The doctor opens the door and lets the boys head inside, "no funny business please, I'm trusting you two," the doctor says and Namjoon nods at him. "Yeah yeah, whatever," Namjoon says and closes the door himself before sighing annoyed.

"God, how much more annoying can they get?" Namjoon wonders and then looks down at Jimin who just walked over to his bed, bringing Namjoon with him. "Your bed is gonna be covered in ash if I lay in it," Namjoon says as Jimin got settled in. Jimin then points over at the couch in his room that had cushions and Namjoon nods. He lets go of Jimin's hand and walks over to the couch, grabbing a cushion and then walking back over to the bed. He sets it down on the ground next to the bed and sits on it before reaching out and grabbing Jimin's hand again. Jimin lets him and they proceed to just lay together, Namjoon laying against the mattress and Jimin on it.

"I wonder how long they'll let us be together," Namjoon says quietly. Jimin also wondered, he hoped they would stay together for the rest of the day, because he really liked being with Namjoon, holding his hand like this. But what they didn't know is that there are also hidden cameras in Jimin's room. After hearing Namjoon mention wanting to leave the room they originally were in, the doctors commanded to have cameras put in Jimin's bedroom as quickly as they could. So now they watched what they were doing now, and the nurses behind the doctors found it actually sweet.

"Don't you think it's so cute?" One says and the other nurse agrees. "They've never had contact with other people, of course this is cute," the nurse says. "What if they fall in love?" The first nurse guesses. "Then we would have to separate them," the doctor suddenly says. "Why? There's nothing wrong with love," the nurse says confused. "Well yes, you see the monster is immortal, he stopped aging after 23, that's why we call it monster 23," the doctor explains. "And? What does that have to do with love?" The nurse wonders. "It means that when the doll grows older as he has been doing, then they wouldn't be able to stay together and that would cause a lot of complications," the doctor explains.

"What if the doll is immortal?" The nurse wonders. The doctor scoffs, "I doubt that, we would have seen the same bacteria in his blood that we see in the monsters blood that makes him immortal," the doctor says. The nurses nod but that didn't stop them from having hope.

Namjoon played around with his magic, making mermaids out of pretty light and making them swim around in the air. Jimin watched with his big black eyes, so entertained by the beautiful lights and the way the fake mermaids moved. Namjoon looked over at Jimin, looking at his still expressionless face. However he could see the reflection of the mermaids in his eyes that seemed a bit wider. It made him smile and he looks back at his mermaids, continuing to do his thing.

But then the door suddenly swings open and Namjoon stops, looking back and seeing the doctors walking in with some chains and he instantly feels himself getting scared and a bit angry even. "Time to go, it's been 2 hours already," the doctor says and Namjoon looks down at Jimin who looks back at him, his eyes becoming glossy. "I don't want to go," Namjoon says, "and I don't think Jimin wants me to go either," Namjoon adds and settles back against the mattress. "You have no choice 23, you need to go back to your prison, you're putting everyone in danger by just being here," the doctor says.

That made Namjoon feel a bit hurt, because all he's been doing is having little conversations with Jimin and showing his light magic. "How am I putting everyone in danger? I haven't done anything bad yet," Namjoon says and looks back at the doctors. "Well yes, you killed 3 innocent people some hours ago," the doctor says while giving Namjoon a pissed off look. "That was their fault, and you guys are going to be next if you don't leave us alone," Namjoon threatens and holds Jimin's hand tighter, Jimin doing the same.

"You know what happens when you threat people," the doctor then says and in return Namjoon quickly ducks down to hide, a little needle with a drug filled capsule on it suddenly hitting the wall across from them. Jimin tenses up and looks down at Namjoon who knew he needed to do something before one of them gets hurt. "I'll be back," Namjoon whispers ever so quietly and then stands up. "Fine, I'll go but you're not putting those things on me," Namjoon says and starts walking over to them. They all look up at Namjoon with glaring eyes.

Namjoon rolls his own eyes and then walks out the room, the doctors hurrying to catch up with him to make sure he doesn't escape or go somewhere he isn't supposed to go.

Jimin stayed in his bed, the same position he was in before, looking at his ash covered hand. He brings his other hand over and interlocks them together, missing Namjoon's hand already. Of course holding his own hand was nothing compared to holding Namjoon's but, the ash on the hand that was held made it easier to imagine. He closed his eyes while getting in a more comfortable position and just hopes that Namjoon will come back soon.

The monster and his doll || Minjoon ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz