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[couple days later]
Jimin sat in his bed looking out the window in his silent room as usual, nothing too exciting happening. But then he hears a whisper, so he looks to where he heard it but doesn't see anyone. He hears the whisper again and this time it was clearer, it said his name, or more so his fake name. Jimin looked around more, feeling a bit confused with how he was hearing his name being whispered at him.

"I need your help doll," it whispers and Jimin was more confused now. "Leave your room," the voice then demands and curiosity filled Jimin up. He didn't know if he should do what the whispering wants and so he just turns his head back towards the window and tries not to let the curiousness get to him. "Doll, leave your room," the whispering then said and this time it was right next to his ear.

Jimin felt shivers run down his spine as it left a cold feeling against his ear. But he felt the need to do as told so he slowly gets out of bed and walks over to the door. He grabs the handle and turns it, but it was locked as always. "Is it locked?" The whispering says and Jimin just blinks. But then he hears the lock being unlocked and he holds his breath, "leave, go left and towards the staircase," the whispering instructs and Jimin felt a nervous pit in his stomach. Never in his ten years of being in the hospital has he ever left his room on his own.

He still opens the door and starts walking down the left side of the hallway that was surprisingly empty. Jimin just walks and makes his way to the door with a staircase sign on it. "That's right, open the door and go down the stairs until there are no more," the whispering says. Jimin felt really nervous now, his heart beating so aggressively with fear of what could happen. He didn't show it tho, and he just opens the door while still holding his breath.

Jimin enters the stairwell and starts going down the stairs at his own pace which was slow and a bit shaky. He couldn't help it, he doesn't get out of bed often so walking a lot takes a toll on him easily. That doesn't stop him tho and he just keeps going down the stairs that seem to be never ending.

It takes a while, and Jimin had to take a couple breaks as well as think about what he's doing. However after a good 40 minutes of slowly walking down stairs Jimin finally arrives at the bottom of the hospital. The floor was cold as ice and the air felt freezing. A big metal door was in front of him too and he grabs the handle, trying to open it but of course he couldn't, he was too weak. "Let me help" the whispering says and next thing Jimin knew the big metal door starts opening. Jimin stands there and looks at the metal door feeling shocked, but as usual he doesn't show or express it.

"There you go doll," the whispering says, "now go down the hallway, turn right and head to the last door with the number 23 on it," the whispering instructs. Jimin closes his eyes as he collected his thoughts and then reopened them just to start walking down the hallway. He still didn't see anyone and he was surprised he didn't get caught by a doctor or nurse or scientist.

Arrived at the end of the hallway he looks at his right and sees at least 10 guards standing in front of a huge, thick metal door that had all kinds of locks and mechanics on it. Jimin felt his heart stop a bit but he knew he needed to be courageous so he starts walking down the hallway and to the big metal door.

Of course the guards spot him and step in front of the door. "What are you doing down here?" One asks seriously and Jimin looks up at him with his usual big black eyes. "Dude this is the doll," Another guard says and of course everyone knows about Jimin the doll. "Where's your room doll?" The first guard asks as if Jimin was ever going to talk to him. "It's on the 300th level," another guard says and they all look down at Jimin shocked.

"Walk through them, they can't stop you," the whispering then says very quietly very close to Jimin's ear. So Jimin does as told, and he starts walking, the guards surprisingly moving aside and let Jimin get to the door. "Uh I don't think we should let him be that close," one of the guards says however they just stand there and watch as Jimin put his ear against the door to listen.

"I can't stop thinking about you doll... do you remember me tho?" Jimin hears through the door and Jimin starts to think. That's when he remembered the monster that got in his room and was captured in his room. "I wanna know more about you," The monster says and Jimin pulls his head away from the door and then looks back at the guards. Jimin wanted to know more about the monster too, he felt so nervous and scared but the curious part of him was stronger and left him wondering too much.

Jimin points at the door while looking at the guards. "What is he trying to tell us?" A guard wonders, they all just stood there looking at Jimin while holding their guns looking dumb. Jimin pokes the door and keeps looking at the guards. "I think he wants to go inside," another guard guesses. "Should we let him?" One wonders. "Of course not! What are you thinking? That's the monster that escaped a couple days back in there, we can't let the doll in it," a guard with reasoning suddenly exclaims and walks over to Jimin, grabbing his arm aggressively and pulling him away which really hurt. The guard keeps walking with him and Jimin didn't know what to do.

As they walked down the hallway tho suddenly doctors and nurses come rushing towards them. "Oh my god there he is," Jimin's primary nurse says and felt relieved to see Jimin still alive. "How did he even get down here?" A doctor asks as he grabs Jimin from the guard, holding his arm just as aggressively. It really hurt his fragile self. "I don't even know but he wanted to see monster 23," the guard says and all the nurses and doctors eyes widened. "Are you sure?" The nurse wonders. "Yes, he walked right up to the door, put his ear against it then pointed at the door to get in," the guard explains.

"That monster probably got in his brain," the doctor says and Jimin just tried to endure the physical contact that he hated so much. "We'll bring him back up to his room and run some scans, just in case," the doctor says and the guard nods. The doctor then starts walking away with Jimin and heads to an elevator. Inside he grabs his little hand instead of his arm before crouching down and looking at him. "Why did you come down here? Did the monster talk to you?" The doctor wonders since Jimin has never ever done this before or moved so much before. The doctor also expects Jimin to blink to communicate with him but Jimin didn't want to tell them anything.

He had a feeling that if he did tell them that bad things could happen and of course he doesn't want that to happen. So he just looks away from him and the doctor sighs. "I'll ask you later, and you need to answer," the doctor says in a pissed off tone. Jimin never liked those tones, it always scared him. He lets go of the doctors hand and walks over to the corner of the elevator, leaning against the wall as a little tear ran down his cheek. He really hated how he was grabbed and the fact that his doctor spoke strictly to him really just made things worse. The doctor realizes his mistake but leaves it be.

Couple minutes later the elevator dings and the doctors and nurses walk out, but Jimin stays in the corner. "Come on doll," the doctor says strictly and Jimin just does as told as more tears ran down his face. He didn't sob tho, and he kept his emotionless expression, just tears. The doctor firmly grabs Jimin's hand again and walks him to his room, he helps Jimin get in his bed then hands him his lunch since it was lunch time. "You need to eat all of it this time ok?" The doctor says as Jimin barely eats anything.

Jimin looks down at the food, a soggy mustard and ham sandwich, stale crackers and some baby food as well as juice. Jimin looks at the doctor that gives him a nod before leaving the room, closing and locking the door as well. Jimin picks up the juice and sticks the straw in it before laying down and drinking it as he kept crying.

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