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[next day]
Jimin and the doctor sat at the same table as before, papers and crayons in front of him. "Draw how you feel about that monster," the doctor says and Jimin looks down at the paper and crayon before looking back up and blinking twice. He didn't want to risk their relationship being ruined if he drew how he really felt towards Namjoon. "Why not? Are you scared we'll do something?" The doctor wonders and obviously Jimin blinks yes.

The doctor hums and then writes down in his notebook, "so this means you must really like the monster hmm?" The doctor wonders and Jimin turns his head away while closing his eyes. "Ah, you don't want to talk about this do you?" The doctor wonders and Jimin stays still. "Well, what if I said that if you draw what I want you to draw then you'll be able to spend the rest of the day with him?" The doctor says and Jimin looks back at him. He still didn't hold any emotion on his face but the doctor could tell Jimin was excited by the idea of seeing Namjoon again.

Especially since Namjoon didn't come back after he got brought back down to his prison. Jimin felt a bit betrayed but understood that sometimes things just can't happen because of some certain people around them. It isn't Namjoon's fault.

"So, draw me how you feel about the monster ok?" The doctor says and Jimin stares at him for a bit before blinking and grabbing a crayon. Jimin starts slowly drawing, not really wanting to express himself this way at the moment tho. It didn't sit right with him, to tell a doctor, someone who he doesn't trust and like, how he feels about Namjoon. He really likes Namjoon but just didn't want to have other people know how much he likes him.

Of course it was a struggle, and Jimin figured that even if Namjoon isn't brought up by doctors, he could still be with him. So he puts the crayon down and looks away while closing his eyes. The doctor sighs pissed and then abruptly stands up from the chair, "alright then, you don't get to see him for the rest of the week since your clearly don't like him that much," the doctor suddenly says and Jimin felt his heart drop to his stomach. The doctor picks up his things and basically storms out of the room. Jimin felt himself cry and he just keeps his eyes closed while tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Hey, open your eyes," Jimin then hears the whispering say and so he does so immediately, thinking Namjoon would be there but he wasn't. "Look around the room for me," Namjoon says and so Jimin slowly looks around the room. "That's what I thought... they put cameras in your room too," Namjoon says and Jimin felt his heart beat quickening. "I was going to come and see you," Namjoon says and Jimin blinks, more tears rolling down his cheeks as he did so.

"I miss you," Namjoon then adds and Jimin did too. He looks down at his hands, one of them still having some ash leftover on it. So he interlocks his hands together and hears a chuckle from Namjoon, "I wish I could hold your hand too," Namjoon says. Jimin then stands up and walks over to his bed, sitting down on it and then laying down. "Do you think we'll be able to see each other with the doctors permission?" Namjoon wonders to which Jimin sadly blinked twice at. "Why not?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin just cries more. Closing his eyes and trying not to show expression on his face.

Namjoon in his prison really badly wanted to go and give Jimin a hug, and he wondered what had happened. He couldn't go and see Jimin yesterday because as they were making their way down to get to Namjoon's prison, Namjoon didn't even do anything wrong he was just walking when they shot him with the drug and the drug is really strong so it keeps him out for a good couple hours.

"Hey, I'm sure that soon enough we can see each other and then we can hold hands," Namjoon says, trying to reassure Jimin. Jimin blinks in return and then looks up at his airplanes on the ceiling still turning around.

"What do you mean we can't see each other for the rest of the week!?" Namjoon exclaims while banging on the protective glass separating him and his doctor. "The doll's doctor mentioned that he wasn't complying with giving him information and in return you guys won't be able to see each other for the rest of the week as punishement," the doctor explains and Namjoon just yells out angrily while banging on the glass as hard as he could, wanting to break it and kill the doctor.

The doctor was of course getting a bit scared as the ash that Namjoon was creating from anger was becoming a lot and filled the room so much that he couldn't even see Namjoon anymore, he could just hear the banging against the glass that seemed to be starting to break. "We will speak about this another time," he says slightly shaken up and hurried out of the little cubical he's in. Namjoon returns to his prison that quickly became an ash storm, and he just felt so pissed that he could see Jimin anymore.

[end of the week]
Jimin laid in bed feeling sad and just not ok. It's been awful not seeing Namjoon and only able to hear him in whispers. Then he hears a knock at his door, and of course he thinks it's just his annoying doctor so he doesn't he turn to look. The door opens and then Jimin hears a thud as if someone fell, so in confusion he looks over just to see Namjoon on the ground. "He's all yours," the doctor says before closing the door and locking it.

Rather quickly Jimin gets out of bed and walks over to Namjoon who mumbles quietly, not even moving. Jimin slowly sits next to him and reaches out, grabbing his hand with his little one and trying to figure out how Namjoon interlocked their fingers together last time. The ash on Namjoon's hand getting all over his hands, but it didn't bother Jimin. He figures out how to hold his hand properly and then looks down at Namjoon that kept mumbling as if trying to wake up. Jimin wondered what had happened.

For the next ten minutes Jimin sat there, completely still and silent. He keeps hold of Namjoon's hand and an eye on him until he properly woke up, turning his head and looking up at Jimin. Namjoon chuckles happily as he sees Jimin blank face and he props up on his elbow. "Jimin.." he says and Jimin blinks. Namjoon slowly sits up and scoots closer to him. Jimin looks at Namjoon dearly, the angry ash on him slowly flurrying away and showing Jimin his face again. "I'm so happy to see you," Namjoon says, lifting up Jimin's hands and holding them gently but securely in his big ones.

Then he brings them closer to his face and leans his forehead against Jimin's little warm hands. "Oh Jimin," he says and sighs. Jimin felt his heart warm, and he was glad to be with Namjoon again. The way he was holding his hand too made him feel something he never really felt before. "We shouldn't have kept them apart for so long," a nurse says in the room with the tv showing what was happening in Jimin's room. "No, it's fine. We can use that as a threat now, get information out of them," the doctor says. "That's just cruel," the nurse admits. "Well they shouldn't have become friends," the doctor says.

Namjoon is showing his magic to Jimin again, and Jimin looked up at the ceiling as he laid down on the ground, watching as Namjoon made his airplanes fly around with some imaginary clouds and birds. They both laid on the floor, right next to each other, still holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

Jimin really liked this, it felt so comforting to be with Namjoon. He never wants to leave him again, and same goes for Namjoon. It really showed how quickly they got attached to each other and just with a simple meeting filled with curiousness. The doctors noticed that and while Jimin and Namjoon hung around they made some decisions. Now of course Jimin and Namjoon don't know about these decisions obviously, but they for sure won't be happy about them when those decisions go into action.

The monster and his doll || Minjoon ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz