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(Edited) - Word Count: 1045

Y/N Likes Girls.
⚠️ Trigger Warning- This chapter has mentions of r@pe and sexual assault. ⚠️

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Waking up in Mina's arms again this morning was very comforting, after what I experienced yesterday.

I was almost assaulted again.
What is it with some men feeling entitled to women.

Some men are pretty dumb.
I guess that's why there are women.
(Though some women are pretty dumb too.)


Tf did I just think?
I'm not gay am I?

Nah because my mother wants grandchildren.

I got ready for school.
As I passed each student in the halls I felt them stare holes through me. What happened last night is none of their business so what is their problem.

I kept walking and started to mumble under my breath. Mina caught up with me and rubbed my back. "Hey are you feeling better today?" She asked.

I smiled at her presence "Yeah I am. Thanks Mina."

I looked up and saw Teno and Bakugo about to walk past me. I looked at my feet and picked up my pace.

I felt someone grabbed my wrist, and I already knew it was Teno. I winced at his touch.

"Look Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be so mad.." Teno spoke.

I pulled my hand away.

I took a moment of silence for his dumbass soul.

"...You didn't think I'd be so mad? You almost sexually assaulted me, Juyō. You wouldn't know half of what that feels like. You probably think that I'm being overdramatic though, right? Because I always kiss people, right? But that doesn't eliminate consent. I've lost all respect for you, Juyō. Thanks for the shitty apology anyways." Venom laced my words as I replied.

The intensity of my aura made him stutter as he tried to form a response.

"Just shut the fuck up." I spat.
I tried to walk away but another hand grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see Bakugo.

"Can I- uh talk to you real quick." Fireworks said.

I furrowed my brows and glared at Mina almost telepathically sharing my concern with her.

"Yeah..." I said.
He led me away until we were completely alone.
Kinda concerning but okayy.

He didn't say anything. Instead he looked around avoiding eye contact with me.
"What did you want?" I said breaking the silence.

"I uh wanted to-" He struggled.
"Apologize..." He managed to finish his sentence.


"For what? You didn't do anything.." I asked confused.

"For him.. I- I know what it's like..." He sighed.
"I wanted to a-apologize about what happened.."

What the fuck is he trying to say.

"Your gonna need to elaborate on that." I said.

"I WAS R@PED — I- sorry.." He shouted out of aggravation of me not picking up on what he was trying to say.

"Oh- Katsuki..." I said. I didn't expect that.
I looked at him sadly. I didn't know he went through something so traumatic too, he clearly hasn't spoken to anyone about this.
I didn't know what to say or do but my body moved on it's own. I hugged him to show my empathy.

"Wha-" He stuttered at my action. He is the most touch deprived out of everyone in the class, and now I know why. It must be hard for him to show physical affection. He's being extremely vulnerable with me right now and I'm proud of him for that.

He is trusting me with this information to comfort me, but he needs it more.

He relaxed into the hug a little, but he was still tense.

"That was very brave of you to share." I said.

I pulled away and looked at his teary crimson eyes. His expression was soft and sad. This is a rare sighting. He actually trusts me. This is Katsuki being genuine.

"We should probably get going before Mina starts to worry." I said and he nodded. I wiped away his tears with my thumbs.

We walked back in calmly and I returned to Mina.
"What was that about?" She whispered.
"Nothing important." I smiled and we continued our day.

We all went to school and Father Aizawa lectured me about my hero costume and hero name and how I had a week to figure it out and get back to him with it. Annoying. I already had an idea of what I wanted.

Mina got all excited and said she would help me with it and give feedback on my costume ideas.

School finished and it was boringly normal.
When I got home I went to my room and took a nap.

I had a weird dream about marrying Mina.

I don't even like girls...

Holy shit I like girls—

I woke up and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

But kissing Mina-


But I can adopt-

What the fuck. Did my playful flirting really make me fall for Mina. I can't be that weak.

My eyes started sweating.

Can't I just ignore this feeling? Why am I crying?Literally get over yourself Y/N.

I'm just emotionally unstable right now and I'm not thinking straight. Hah.. not thinking straight.

I don't have time to be fighting with my inner voice at the moment. I got up and did some homework.

I drew a few hero costume designs and ended up not liking any of them.

I got annoyed and laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. Allowing myself to get lost in thought again.

Mina is really pretty...
Like... model kind of pretty.

I wish I was her.

Yeah. I'm just jealous of her that's all. I don't actually like her...

Then a knock on my door started me out of my trance. I walked over and opened it.

"Wanna cuddle?" Mina said cheerfully.


"Yeah sure!" I said letting her in.

We cuddled and fell asleep.

Damn it Pinky. Your so adorable. Curse you, and your luscious Afro... and your soft skin...

And you choosing the worst time to ask to cuddle...

Because now.

Your stuck with me.

A/N- Sorry this chapter is all sappy but I promise the whole Katsuki interaction will be very important later in the story.

Always, you. [Mina x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now