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(Edited) - Word Count: 1046

Email to UA

I analyze nearly everyone I meet.
I admit, my quirk is pretty useful.

I'm not a combat style hero. I'm more so the woman behind the plan. I'm never actually included.
I feel lonely sometimes.

I usually avoid anyone who tries to get close to me.
They always find me weird because I'm quiet.

I don't like small talk, or talk in general. I still try to enjoy it though. After all, communication is key.

Today at school I was quiet as always.
People are pretty dumb. They think I don't see their weird stares or whispering.
I just keep my head down.

When I got home I got on my computer to start my homework. Then I got an email.

From: Shōta Aizawa

Y/N, I heard you just turned 16. That's very exciting. I also heard you got your hero license, I'm very proud of you. I know you'll turn out to be a great little agent.

I wanted to talk to you about something very important. I'm sure you're aware education plays a big role in your hero journey, and I want to make sure you have the best education possible.

I'm offering you a spot in UA for the remainder of your lessons. You'll get a free dorm room and the best practice to prepare you for your future. I'll even pay for your flight here. Japan is in need of some great heroes since the retirement of All Might.

Think about it. Get back to me when you have a response. I'll be waiting. Love you.

Of course, dad's using another excuse to try to get me to come to Japan.

I can't lie, it's a good offer though. It would be a shame to turn down such an opportunity.

Even if I did accept it though, he can't expect that to mend our relationship. I'm not that gullible.

However if I do accept this, that would count as an entry via recommendation. Which is practically impossible in UA. I could gain a lot of followers, maybe even a Fanbase. Though that's a lot of unwanted attention, heroes need recognition.

Mother is gonna hate me for this...
but father has a point, education is important as a hero. I need to take that into consideration for my future. I will achieve my dreams, and this is what it takes. I can't be petty when this is my future we're talking about.

To: Shōta Aizawa

Unfortunately, I understand where you're coming from. I need to seriously think about my future. UA would be ideal for me.

I'm interested in your offer. Though mother won't like it. I will speak to her about it. This is about my future, not hers.

I will start packing. My flight needs to be booked 2 weeks away from today. This doesn't make you a better father though. This is successful bribery.

See you soon.

I sent my response.
I'm going to start packing now so that when I speak to mother she can't convince me out of it.

First I packed all of my favorite clothes, I can buy more when I arrive.
Then I packed every last ounce of money I had. Which was about $5000. I was saving up for a car, but they have trains in Japan. So I can use it freely.
And then I packed a few things for entertainment. My manga, my console, and obviously my phone.
Lastly I packed some small decorations and pictures to put in my dorm room. Now I'm done packing.

Now the part I dread the most. Convincing mother.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen where mother was finishing dinner and putting it on plates.

She gave me a plate of food, and grabbed hers. We walked over to the table and sat down.

We ate in silence for about 10 minutes before I broke the ice. "Hey ma, I gotta talk to you about something."

"Oh sure honey, what's up?" She responded.

"I'm moving to Japan." I gave it to her straight.
She nearly choked on her food and managed to spit back a response.

"Wha- what? What's so good that your father bribed this time?!"

"He offered me an education at UA. I'm going to be a hero and UA gives me that opportunity. Most of the top hero's graduated from there and its impossible to get in. This is a chance of a lifetime." I explained.

She sighed. "That father of yours, I tell ya. Well, I should've known. You were gonna want to move eventually. Might as well not argue about it, it'll only make you want to move more. Your growing up so fast." She said.

"But you make sure you call me once a week!! And tell me if you need money alright? I love you a lot, you know that right? I want to support you in any way I can." She added quickly.

"Okay." I laughed. "I will. I love you too." I smiled.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.

"In 2 weeks. Father is gonna pay for my flight and I'll have a dorm room to myself." I spoke.

"Okay. Please be safe." She smiled.

I finished my dinner and went up to my room.
Wow. This is actually happening. I'm starting over. This is so huge!! I can be whoever I want to be in a new country.

I'm so excited. I can't wait to see all the unique quirks that people have.

I better get to bed. This excitement might keep me up all night if I don't sleep now.

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I spent the remainder of my last two weeks doing fun stuff with my mother. I wouldn't see her for a long time. Which was pretty sad. I wanted to spend every last second I had with her.

We baked cookies, we went out for dinner, we got our nails done together, and plenty more.

I had a lot of fun, but tomorrow I'm leaving. This is gonna be really hard for me, to just get up and leave my mother. We are really close, and this will distance us...but I've gotta work to ensure my future.

At UA... and as a hero.

Always, you. [Mina x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora