• Chapter 4. An unexpected turn

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The next following day, I woke up in the motel I picked last night when I arrived in this small town around 11 PM. It had been rainy and thunder was coming as well. The last thing I wanted was to drive in bad weather. I hopped out of bed and strolled over to the bathroom, starting my daily routine before heading back to the car I had left outside in the parking lot. Touching the roof, I noticed how cold the metal was. Colder than I had expected it to be, especially now the sun was shining for at least an hour. I hopped in without questioning and buckled up, throwing my bag beside me in the passenger seat.

I will get some food somewhere on my way. Wasting time now my brother is free felt wrong and made me anxious as well. Chase is capable of many things. He's never been in court for murder, but I have seen him do it once. Along with some of his so-called 'friends,' he dragged a corpse from the van, into our shed where he cut the person in pieces before dumping it in the river. Months later, parts of the corpse were found, but I had been so scared that I didn't want to tell the police about it and I think I have done enough to piss off my brother. He wants revenge for what I did and to be honest, I had hoped to never see or speak to him again...

I sped up on the highway and leaned back in the soft leather seat. Nothing special or strange happened and even the radio seemed to work perfectly fine which is a big relief. I don't want to wrestle with the radio every day. I made a quick stop at a highway restaurant before continuing to drive. I kept looking in the mirror, mostly out of paranoia because for some time a car was chasing me. Or it felt like the car was following me, I made a stop, the car made a stop and if I changed lane, the car changed from the lane as well.

I took an exit, not because I had to go there, but because I wanted to see if this car would follow me. I couldn't see who was inside because the window was dark. The moment I changed from the direction, the car did as well and I am now convinced that this car is following me. The first thing that popped up in my mind is my brother, Chase, but there is just no way he could have found me this soon while he's in a completely different state. I know that he will go home first to see if I am still there. He doesn't know Jacob took me in and cared for me. It made my stomach twist, what if he does figure out and goes to Jacobs'? The last thing I want is Jacob getting hurt or killed by my brother because I messed up.

I groaned as I felt the seat belt tighten around me out of nowhere. Without me doing anything, the car sped up like it was driving itself and freaked me out. My natural reflex is kicking on the brake because right now I was driving over the speed limit. There was no response. It made me believe that the brakes had failed or there was some other technical issue. I reached a point I was about to panic, especially when I wasn't able to steer anymore either. "Can you just sit still for once and stop kicking on the brakes!" The deep voice coming from the radio made me scream.

The seat belt tightened around me even more, so tight I was barely able to move. "I said sit still, fleshie!" The voice sneered angrily. I froze while fear rose up in my body. "What are you!" I shrieked. "I said shut up and let me handle this situation damn it!" he nearly shouted. I flinched and remained silent. "you humans are so primitive and spooked easily!" he scowled while taking some dangerous turns through town.

The car behind us sped us as well. "Who is that? Why is it chasing us?" I asked, frightened. "Shut up, femme!" he sneered angrily and made a dangerous U-turn. I was thrown out of the car, the yellow car transformed into an 82 ft tall robot. I backed off and hit the wall behind me as the other car did the same but was a little smaller than the yellow one. Two large deadly swords slipped into place and he stabbed the smaller robot in the guts.

"You never should have chased me! Now you die!"

I shivered at the tune the yellow robot was using. His optics turned from icy blue to a dark shade of red. I think the smaller robot realized his mistake, the red optics widened a little before the yellow one decapitated him. With a loud thud, the body fell on the floor and shook the ground a bit. "Punk!"
I backed off some more, looking up to the yellow one as his red optics landed on me. "Look what we got here..."
He crouched down right in front of me while his long deadly swords slipped back in his arms. After all, he didn't need them to kill me. "You are the fleshy that told me you wanted to meet me!" he sneered while pointing at me. "That was before I knew you're a... robot."

"I am not a robot!" he roared and slammed his fist into the wall behind me. Steam emerged from his nose while he lowered a little more. His face plates just a few yards away from me. "I am NOT a robot! Let's make that clear... if you call me that again you will regret and can find yourself on the bottom of the ocean... torn apart like a sad piece of meat!" he snarled dangerously. I nodded, "Then what are you?" I whispered. "I am an Autobot... from the planet, Cybertron and crash-landed on earth three months ago... we are battlings these punks who are threatening your world and try to consume it with death and torture... you should show some more respect!" he snarled while pointing at me. I gulped and stared at him, "I didn't know..." I said quietly. He narrowed his optics at me. "Sorry... sorry..." I quickly apologized. He snorted and stood in his full height again. "Good!" he growled and scanned the area. I slowly got up and snitched my bag off the ground. "Well... I guess I go then..." I said,-- sighing softly. "Hold on a second, fleshie!"

I paused and turned around,-- staring up. "Weren't you heading for Washington DC?" he asked. "Uhm, eventually..." I mumbled. He shook his helm, "change of plan... we go right away for Washington DC and you will bring me there since my navigation systems are down..." he stated. I bit my lip, "I don't have time... there's a reason why I wanted to go to the west coast first..." he cut me off. "You want to live, fleshie?"

I sighed and looked away, "well?!" he snapped. I flinched at the angry tune, I hated it if people became mad at me for no reason. "Okay... fine... but as soon as you are in Washington DC... I am going to leave!" I stated firmly. "Yeah yeah... I don't give a shit whether you leave or not... it's all self-interest!" he stated before he transformed and let me hop in.

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