Start from the beginning

Most of the public opinion was already leaning on the question about the powers that could have been born in certain people, magic powers that could massively accelerate the development of our society, and naturally on how mucu mankind could achieve by controlling their new found power. Sadly, they were only focusing on the positive sides, while the people in whom these powers were manifested tried to discover their new abilities, that could become a real danger for themselves.

The appearance of "magic" will bring its share of problems, and despair to the world. That's something that they would discover soon enough.

April 4th 2020

Since the events of the last day, most countries made an agreement.

People with minor powers such as creating small sparks or even producing pickings (don't judge people's powers please), and with non-offensive powers were allowed to return home.

On the other side, people who had manifested and demonstrated more dangerous and powerful powers such as the invocation of magical weapons, powers linked to the production of any material on a large scale, to the mastery of the elements, or unknown ones, plus the psychologically unstable people with them, had to stay in hospital under the supervision of soldiers of the army of each country for an indefinite period.

The governments around the world were already thinking of a way to integrate magic into our society by creating several rules and putting in place different devices and infrastructures to keep it under control, but obviously, they had different ideas on how to manage those things...

But at the same time, a new crisis broke out before they could even come to an agreement when it came to this.

People were trying the best they could to continue living as they always had, but around 10 a.m, many earthquakes were felt around the world, and all the police officers that were on patrol to monitor that nobody was using magic with ill intentions, advised people to take shelter in the nearest buildings and stores for their security.

This was far from an easy task due to various things that made the execution of this plan harder. Panic attacks, fear, stubbornness, were some of the things that made it harder.

Many clouds began to cover the sky, and the tremors became stronger and stronger.

When suddenly they stopped... And the world could start to observe strange shapes outside that were starting to appear one after the other, out of nowhere.

These forms transformed into misshapen monsters either with a humanoid, animal, or with an unknown and never seen appearance before.

They had varied sizes and musculature, but each of them had a charred midnight blue, dark green or dark purple skin, black eyes with a small bright red light in the center. Smoke was coming out of their mouths, and they had a hole of medium size where a heart should be found.

They didn't seem interested in the world around them at first, but when they started seeing humans, they started destroying everything in their ways, killing in the most atrocious ways the humans they found, men, women, and even children.

Nobody was safe. They were stronger and faster than all humans, the only thing to do was to hide and hope that none of the monsters would notice you, or to not be killed because the place you were hiding in was destroyed by them.

During the hours which followed, cries of pain and fear resounded in the whole world, and the streets and public places of the bigger cities who had thousands of people before the appearance of these demonic monsters were now completely covered with blood and body parts from a big amount of corpses, when the monsters hadn't destroyed them completely.