Twins don't always get along

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Bruce's POV

Damian and the girl turned to me. Just then I noticed that they looked kind of similar, they even had the same scowl on their faces. "Father this is Marinette, my twin." So that explains why they seem so similar to each other. Wait, did he just say twin? Great, people are going to think I adopted her.

No one's POV

Damian then turned to his sister and said. "Marinette, this is our father." Bruce was trying to process everything that he just heard and Richard's squeeling didn't help. After calming him down and explaining the whole thing to Bruce, it was time to introduce Marinette to the rest.

🍀🍀🍀After Marinette was introduced to the rest of them because I am too lazy to write it🍀🍀🍀

"So do we have to deal with two demon spawns." Tim whined while drinking some coffee. "Oh, please. How bad can this possibly be. I mean look at her she's an angel." Jason said while pointind to Marinette. And at that exact moment a katana was at his throat. Nothing new, but it wasn't Damian's, that is when he realised that it belongs to the new discovered Wayne. "I wouldn't call her that. If I'm what you call demon spawn, then she is a devil in disguise." Damian calmly said, while not even trying to stop his twin from slicing their brother's throat. Instead Alfred came out of nowhere and said. "Miss Marinette, please take your weapon away from his throat." Now obviously since this is Alfred Marinette listened.

"I actually have no idea from where that came from." Dick said, he was curious where his new found sister got it. "Oh, I created it out of thin air." Marinette stated basic facts, but Jason didn't believe it, he thought that since Damian can pull out weapons from nowhere, then so can his sister.(In reality Damian simply knows how to hide a weapon, it's Marinette who can make them from nothing) "Pfft, yeah as if." Little did he know that, because of the miraculous she could create things as long as she understood what she wants and how it's made. And since ever since she was small the league would teach her about weapons, she knows everything about every weapon that exists. She is thankful for being a fast learner otherswise she would have absolutely no use of this power.

"Have there been times when you wish you weren't siblings?" Dick asked out of curiousity. "No."

"Yes, yes, there have." Damian cut her off.

"Oh, come on. You can't still be mad about that." Marinette whined, completely forgetting that there are other people in the room with them "Yes, I can" Damian was about to continue, but got cut off by Tim. "What happened?" After this both of the twins shut up, they were not going to answer it.


Damian couldn't find his favourite katana, so he went to ask his twin sister. It wasn't like him to loose something so surely she had taken it. He walked in the room where he knew he would find his sister. "Hey, Mari. Have you-  What The Hell Did You Do?" He screamed when he saw what was going on.

There was his twin sister standing over HIS katana. It wouldn't be that tragic, if the katana was still in one piece. But, no. It was torn apart in five different pieces. He doesn't care how she got it done, he just knows that she did it

"Oh, hi brother." Marinette said and smiled innocently at him, as if she hadn't just made a death wish. "Why did you do it?" "I was mad, I had to break something. I was sent to the most BORING mission in the world. Why couldn't they just send a lower ranked assassin?" "I understand your pain, but why did you do this to MY katana?" He yelled, and got even more pissed after Marinette answered. "Wait, this was your katana?""Don't play innocent with me. It LITERALLY has my name on it" And it was true, the katane had Damian's name written on it. "Well, I wasn't going to break something that's mine." Marinette stated while turning away to leave.

end of flashback

"It was fun. If you ignore the part of the day when I had to try and not get killed by you." Marinette said as she remembered running away from her brother for about half an hour. "You've been attacked by demon spawn too? Well then you'll fit in great." Jason said, but Damian cut him off before he could say anything more. "It didn't end too well for me. She attacked me for trying to attack her, when it was her fault in the first place."

"Wait, really? She attacked you? How did it end?" Tim asked, not too sure if he heard correctly or does he actually need sleep. "It didn't end well. They needed mother, grandfather and Lady Shiva to get her away from me." Damian explained and instantly regret it.

To somehow escape from what he just brought up to himself Damian took his sister's hand and started dragging her to a guest bedroom. "Excuse me, but my little sister needs to sleep." He said while dragging, but Mari decided to protest. "Hey! I'm older." "Those are 10 minutes" "It still counts." "Please, what could you have possibly learned during this few minutes?" "Quite a lot actually." "Just go to sleep." "NO! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! ALL I NEED IS CAFFEINE!"

None of the family could see them, but their fighting could clearly be heard.

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