It's hero time

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still Marinette's POV

The rest of the day was rather boring. There are nearly no new scars. Honestly every day there are less and less scars. Let's just say that People in this class are not creative. They try the same thing over and over again, to the point I can tell their next move.

And at this point I knew exactly what will be their next move. Because I saw Lila on her phone obviously texting someone she shouldn't be texting, since she never let's anyone see it. Wich is odd as she usually basically forces everyone to look at her.

Then because of her so important conversation she was late for the class. When Ms Mendeleiev asked her she said that, apperently I locked her in the bathroom 3 minutes before the class started. And just like they were under a spell everyone forgot, that literally a minute before the class was supposed to start Lila was spreading lies while sitting on a bench next to the classroom. They of course glared at me with anger in their eyes.

Then the only normal teacher in the whole school reminded them, that I walked in the class 5 minutes before it starts and I haven't left it. It still wasn't enough proof for them, but they stopped glaring in fear the teacher might give the detention.

I took one glance around the room and could already tell what was their next move. They were gonna wait for the teacher to leave, since this was the last class, and then they would lock me in here.

I gotta admit they finally came up with something new. I was already getting bored, from having to avoid the same thing everyday. Was about time they tried something new. But I knew that now when Lila came up with a new lie she will be using this a lot, and again I will have to wait for something new.

I then started looking around for a way to avoid this. I then noticed a window and knew just what to do.

I quickly wrote my plan on a note and gave it to Chloe. She gave it to Kagami, who gave it to Luka. Once they all knew my escape plan we continued to listen to the teacher.

If I'm being honest Lila is only still alive because I want to expose her, and actually get to see the reaction. Once everyone knows she's lying, Lias life will be over. Plus it is still entertaining enough to see, how they react when I escape without a 'lesson' or whatever they call it.

Just like I expected when the class was over and Ms Mendeleiev left, they blocked my way out. "Um... What do you think you're doing?"  I pretended like I didn't see this coming. "Well Mari-bully we are going to teach you a lesson not to lock Lila in the bathroom ever again." Once the so called reporter was done the others pushed my friends out of the room. " And you won't have your stupid friends to help you out." Chloe's former bestie proudly told

They walked out and locked the door behind them. I clearly heard they were still waiting. I don't know for what tho. I shrugged it off, grabbed my stuff and opened the window. I pulled out glasses from my purse and put them on. I quickly checked out the window and said "Kaalki full gallop."  it was quiet enough for noone to hear.  Then I opened a portal.

It led to an alley I could see it from the school and saw that there were no people, so noone would see me. I detransformed and ran to the front of the school. On my way there I texted Luka saying that I got out.

Luka's POV

We got pushed out of that room, but we didn't try to waste energy fighting back, since Meloody had a plan.

They locked the door and waited. "What are they waiting for?" My girlfriend asked, I opened my mouth to say something, but Chloe beat me to it. "I guess they're waiting until Mari starts apologizing""How long are they willing to wait" I was quite curious. Both of them just shrugged.

Bumblebee was about to say something, but then I recieved a text from Melody. It said "I'm out can we go to the hotel now". I showed it to 2 girls, who were just waiting for me to confirm what they thought.

We sterted leaving when that class stopped us. "Where are you going?" I don't even care who asked that. "That is none of your business." Chloe told them. They started following us.

We call them LBS wich stands for Lila's Blind Sheep. However they call themseves LPS wich stands for Lila Protection Squad, wich they obviously stole from us, because we were Mari Protection Squad first. The weird thing is that niether of them actually need a protection squad. Lila just have no need for protection. While Mari can take care of herself. Chloe insisted that we are the MPS even if melody doesn't need one.

I saw Chloe taking a picture of the class before we all stepped in her limousine, it took us to Chloe's hotel where I basically live together with Kagami. Since I don't want to hear my sister explaining about how I am supporting bullying and should stop being friends with Marinette. Kagami lives there because her mother who was strict enough already, also believed Lila. Marinette just spends her time there and rarely in the bakery.

Melody managed to mend the Bourgouis family, and we are all now basically adopted by Chloe's mother, she claims that we are all exeptional in our own ways. But what she means is that not only is each of us famous in some way, but also don't believe Lila. Audrey hates that girl ever since she has lied about knowing her.

We all walked in a room where Chloe added pictures taken today to her collage of weird expressions the class has made.

We were having a good time it was pretty late and there was no school tommorow. We were preparing for a movie night. We picked a  movie, got pretty much every blanket and pillow we could find, dressed in something comfortable. There was noone else here, so we couldn't care less about how we looked and we just wore onesies that marinette made. They were based if our hero selves.

Just when the movie started and everything was perfect, until Mari's phone beeped. She created an app to tell her whenever there is a new akuma.

This ment one thing. It's hero time.

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