The winner of the contest & a secret twin

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Bruce's POV

In the contest I asked them to tell about their class, and why they want to go to Gotham. From all the essays that were sent there were some that really had nothing special but at least the person tried, there were some who tried lying and it didn't work. There were some very well writen ones. But one of all of them stick out, it's from a girl who lives in Paris.

This is what she wrote.

Dear, Bruce

My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I live in Paris and this is my class.

Chloe Bourgeous is my best friend and the daughter of Andre and Audrey Bourgeous. She has a rather sassy personality, but she is nice once you get to know her. She is a lawyer and has never failed a case troughout her entire career. One day in the future, she will take over her father's hotel. She used to be bossy and could be very mean to everyone, but with the right guidense she stopped her habits. She even got the chance many could only dream of, she became a heroine called Queen Bee. With the help of her idol she was a great hero. Unfortubatly not anymore since she revealed her identity to Paris.

Kagami Tsurugi is a girl who came from Japan. She is loyal and will tell you what she thinks not caring what others thonk of her. She can learn new things fast and even under a lot of pressure. She will never say no to a chellange. She is a famous fencer known all around the world, and has won 13 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals. She also became a heroine called Ryuko, but her identity was revealed to Hawkmoth who revealed it to Paris

Luka Couffaine is an upcoming musician. He values his friends and family. He always does his best to cheer up anyone who is feeling upset. He maybe is not the best when it cones to words he has different way of communication, he uses his guitar. He acts calm most of the time but can completely lose it if somebody hurts someone he cares about. He knows nearly everything and sonetimes can tell something is about to happen around 5 minutes before it happens. He used to be a part of a music groub named kitty section with some other classmates. Unfortunatly the group is no longer, they grew apart.

Juleka Couffaine is Luka's younger sister. She is the quiet girl in the class. She usually is very observant and doesn't like jumping into conclutions, but she can get influenced easily, and someone might take advantage of this then using it to turn her personality upside down. Along with her brother she was a part of the kitty section, it's a shame that she and Luka have also grown apart over the last 2 years. In the past there have been accidents were someone forgets about her, I'm thankful that people have learnt and that no longer happens.

Rose Lavillant is a sweet girl. When someone mentions her name there is on thing on everbody's mind. Pink. This girl loves pink, she has a sweet and bubbly personality, she can look like she wouldn't hurt a fly, and that is true, unless she believes you hurt someone she considers a friend, she will not just stand and watch, no, she will do her best to stand up for the person. Like previously mentioned people she also participated in the band kitty section, she was the main solist. This girl loves doing charity work, she was inspired by prince Ali, and he also appretiated her work. She is always positive and likes to believe what seems to be the best possible  ending for her.

Ivan Bruel is a tough boy, but has a nice heart. He won't hurt anyone as long as you stay on his good side. He is a very honest guy and is terrible at lying. He will act coldly when he is in situation he doesn't want to be in, for an example: if he is forced to come to a party, to which he clearly doesn't want to go to. He was also a member from kitty section, he was the drummer. He doesn't show his soft side often, only to people he cares about. He can detect lies if the person is also bad at lying, unfortunatly if he encounters a good liar he won't be able to tell if it is true or not.

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