Finally reunited

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No one's POV

Over the next 2 weeks Marinette and Jon got relly close. Just by the way Jon acted Marinette could tell that he is someone who's not likely to betray her, but after everything that happened with the akuma class, Marinette couldn't just count on that she would need too see how he acts. Now she knows for sure that Jon is a true friend. She even opened up to him, which means that she smiles and shows emotions more around him. She also started calling himby his first not last name.

Obviously Jon noticed the similarities between Marinette and Damian, but he brushed it off. He thought it was just a coincidence. From the entire Gotham academy Jonathan Kent was the only person that could even get near Marinette without consequences, if anyone else tried they'd either take the hint after one glare, or at least after one warning to leave. At the end nobody gets hurt, because everyone gets scared before they even get the chance to actually face the consequences.

And Damian? Well all this time he was doing his best to avoid going to school at all costs. He knew that the french class was there and, first he didn't even want to meet someone coming from the city of love, second he especially didn't want to meet the girl who he knows has a twin. Why? Because if she has one it will come up as a topic at some point. The last thing he wants to hear is someone who has a twin, someone who hasn't lost somebody that important in their lives. He was never one to feel jealousy, but whenever the topic of twins comes up he feels guilty fo not being able to protect his own sister.

However now, Damian has ran out of excuses and has to go to school, whether he likes it or not. From what Damian knew about this Marinette, he hoped that at least she maybe won't talk to him.

So when he got to school he was glad to hear in the hallways about that the girl from Paris is cold to everyone except one person and her friends. This meant that no one could possibly remind him of his missing twin. "Hey Damian, finally you're back. What happened?" Jon greeted him. Damian said. "I believe, it's none of your concern. We don't have this class toghether, why are youu waiting for me?" Jon laughed a little before saying. "I wasn't actually waiting for you, but for Marinette. She's from the french class. I'm actually the only one from Gotham Academy who she lets close."

Damian rolled his eyes and left, before Jon could say anything else. He has been here for 3 minutes and this girl, who he is jealous of and admits it only to himself, has already come up in a conversation. Maybe he just has to stop talking or listening to others for the rest of the time while the students from France are here. However throughout the day, no matter how he tried to avoid it, Marinette Dupain-Cheng would be a topic of a conversation somewhere. And whenever Damian heard it he would remember the fact about her twin.

So he was in a even worse mood than usual, and that's saying something. Even Jon can't do anything to cheer him up, not that Damian will ever admit that he enjoys having Jon as his best friend, sometimes. But right now nothing can possibly fix this terrible day, it can probably get worse. But whatever happens it won't get any better, right? Wrong. Damian didn't know that this day can get from being the absolutely the worst day in his life to the best one.

Damian was walking to through the halls on his way to go and hopefully eat lunch peacfully. He wasn't looking where he was going in fact he wasn't looking at all. Usually it didn't create any problems, since he knew the way and could literally go from anywhere to anywhere else with closed eyes. The only possible problem is other stundents, but they knew to keep far from him, so he didn't worry about anything.

Marinette on the other hand was walking towards where she would wait for Jon. She wasn't paying attention to any of the surroundings, and she was wearing her headphones while listening to music. She was focusing just enough to not stumble into walls or such, but she wasn't careful enough to not run into anyone. Most people were at least a little bit scared of her so she didn't really have to try to avoid anyone, because everyone would try to avoid her.

Everyone who was around at the moment stopped in their tracks, whatever they were doing was not that important at the moment. They tried warning the two, but one of them could only here something if she was focusing, which she wasn't, and the other tried his best not to hear anyone in fear that a certain girl would be the topic. Then it finally happened. The moment everybody was afraid would happen sooner or later.

Neither Damian, nor Marinette were looking or listening to what was happening. And then they finally bumbed into eachother. At that moment all the students that were there stepped back as far as possible and held their breaths. While everyone was concerned about their own safety and the safety of the two students who just crossed their paths. Yet everybody still couldn't keep their eyes off, they wanted, no they needed, to know what will happen. They were fully prepared for anything that might occcur right here, right now. Like hell, they even were ready for a WWIII. Bufrom everything they expected, they did not expect this to happen.

Both Damian and Marinette with coldly telling eacoither at the same time. "Hey, whatch where you-" Each and every bystander kind of expected this kind of reaction to start it all, they didn't know much of what to wait for next, but the most popular guess was that there was going to be some sort of a war. They didn't understand why the two stopped midsentence. From absolutely anything that could happen what was least likely to happen actually happened. After three seconds of silence, tears started forming in Marinette's eyes, in fact they were visible in Damian's eyes as well. "Dami?" Marinette said just barely above a whisper, everyone saw Damian nod. Then Marinette hugged him. and hE hUgGeD BACK?! Then he smiled and everyone saw it, well his reputation is gone for good. But that wasn't really the main thought in everyone's mind. They were all thinking the absolute same thing. Every living being around, even including that fly which was sitting on a wall quiet, was panicing and desperately looking for a place to hide and hopefully survive. They were all thinking 'THE WORLD IS ENDING!'

Meanwhile Damian and Marinette were not focusing on anything around them. Marinette even stopped listening to music. After both of them cut their sentences short, because they finally looked at who was in front of them, their whole world stopped spinning for a moment. Marinette lookes into forest green eyes, that she very well knew belonged to her long lost brother. She could feel the tears threatening to fall from her eyes and the smile that creeped on her face, but this time she didn't bother hiding her emotions. She had finally found him, the boy she was looking foor the entire trip. Damian on the other side saw bluebell eyes, that only belonged to one person. To his missing sister. He felt tears forming in his eyes, and he didn't do anything to stop them, Marinette  was more important than his reputation. Finally Marinette broke the silence with saying just one single word. "Dami?" It was like she didn't believe this was actually real. Yes, she knew that her brother was alive, but she had to make sure that this wasn't a dream. Damian noddedd and at that moment Mari was already hugging him, and he hugged her back. He knew that his reputation was gone by now, honestly he might have just thrown it somewhere out in the trash. But that didn't matter, not now, he was finally reunited with his twin sister. "I've been looking for you ever since my class got to Gotham. Finally I have found you brother." Marinette said quiet enough so that the only person who heard it was Damian. "You were?" He asked, then his twin giggled and said. "Yeah, I was on a mission to find you ever since I found out that you're alive.

While the twon demons couldn't care more about what was happening arouund the, everyone iin the radius of 50 feet was having a mental breakdown. There could be heard somebody saying. "God, please spare me!" or "Take him instead!" or "WHY? Why, why why?" or even "I'm too bueatiful and young to die!" But did the twins care? No, they couldn't care less.

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