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After Marinette was sent to Paris, where she started living with Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. She didn't want to create any suspicions so she used the name Dupain-Cheng. Sabine and Tom knew from where Marinette comes from, so they told her that she'll have to  pretend. That's what she did, she always acted like she was clumsy.

She made friends and enemies as well. At the age of 13 she became Ladybug, from then on she and Chat noir have always protected Paris from Hawkmoth. Marinette's best friend Alya was 100% sure Marinette likes Adrien. The thing is ... she didn't. 

Adrien was not blind and he could tell that Marinette is just a friend. However nobody else listened to them, because Alya spread a rumor and all the class believed her. Marinette didn't do anything about it as Adrien said that these rumors are not hurting anyone, as long as they both know it's not true everything will be fine. Marinette only agreed because she respected her friend's opinion. She did warn him that she'll step in if this goes too far.

TiMe SkIp

At the age of 14 this girl came in Marinette's life. Her name is Lila Rossi. Marinette never liked her, because she was lying with every breath. In her eyes there was no sense of regret or even a good reason to do this, unlike Chloe, Lie-la just wanted attention.

Lila even went as far as to threaten Marinette. Mari found it quite funnny how Lila does all this and doesn't know that, the so called clumsy and shy girl could think of at least 20 different ways to kill her and make it look like an accident, in a minute.

What Marinette didn't expect is that Lila actually fulfilled her promise. Once again Adrien told Mari to take the high road, but this time she wasn't just gonna sit back and watch.

Eventually these lies got worse and her so called friends started to bully her. The only thing that actually hurt Marinette was that she was stupid enough to call them friends, she couldn't care less about the pain, as she was trained not to show weakness to some blind sheep. The worst one was probably when she got pushed down the stairs and broke her leg. But at the end of the day Tikki would heal her anyways.

Tom and Sabine didn't really believe Lie-la, because they knew if Marinette would really bully Lila, the lie queen would already be dead in hell. They still didn't pay any attention to Marinette, because she wasn't their child, so she wasn't their responsibility.

 When Ladybug was close to turning 15, Chat noir lost his miraculous. He was just using the power to get what he wants, plus he refused to come to patrols or akuma attacks.

And now to the present, Marinette is 16.

Few more things you need to know.

People on Marinette's side:




Ms. Mendeleiev (the only teacher who actually knows how to do her job)

Jagged Stone


Clara Nightingale

Audrey and Andre Bourgeois

pretty much every celebrity in Paris except the Agrestes

Superhero identities:


Chloe-Bumblebee (her costume has changed)

Luka-Cobra (his costume changed as well)

Kagami-Dragon Fighter (let's just say everyone's costume changed except for Ladybug.)

Together they are the miraculous team

Just a few important facts

Hawkmoth is not defeated,

The peacock miraculous is still broken

Marinette is also MMW the designer, and Nettie the singer.

Marinette can last god only know how long without sleep, living only on coffee. As ladybug she needs a cup or more of coffee every night, so she always goes to the same place and buys coffee. The owner of that place is already used to the bug coming just for coffee, and can even tell the exact time she will show up. But when mari does finally fall asleep, she need to sleep A LOT, or somebody dies.

For the sake of this story, Jon is 3 months older than Damian.

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