Part 21

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Around about 1 hour later, our front door flings open.

"I'M HERE! WHERE ARE YOU?" Joey yells from the hallway

"IN MY ROOM!" I shout back

Soon enough I heard him climb up our long staircase towards my room, flinging my door open.

"Hey Paigey!" He comes over to me and kisses me on the lips

"Hey..." I mutter, looking at my phone

"What's wrong...." He asks

"It's just..." I roll over and he looks at me while laying next to me

"It's just, how are we gonna tell my brothers about us?" I ask

"I have, no idea... who is your favourite brother?" He questions, laughing a bit

"I don't have a favourite, and why do I have to tell you that?" I whine

"Well, whoever is your favourite, you tell them first and then they can tell the rest," He laughs

"I don't have-" I start

"Is it Ashton?" He cuts me off

"Yeah..." I mumble, scratching the back of my neck

"Okay good, cause he is my favourite too!" He squeals

"Okay, well how do we tell him?" I ask

"Paigey, I think you're reading too much into this, just tell him..." He moans

"Fine. We'll do it after we go," I huff out

"Yay! Let's go!" He yells, jumping off my bed, dragging me up with him

We ran down the hallway and down the stairs, hand-in-hand, Alfie was standing there waiting for us, keys in hand to my baby-blue range rover. I take them from his and walk into the garage.

"Do you even know where we are going?" Alfie asks

"Nope." I say popping the P (A/N cliche I know but it felt right at the time)

He rolls his eyes as I climb into the driver's seat and Joey in the passenger, leaving Alfie to sit in the back.

"Sooo, where are we going?" I ask

"Gimme your phone," Alfie calls from the back, I hand it to him and he types in the location.

Joey grabs the aux cord and starts to play Pierre. I could almost feel my brother's eye roll from behind me.

"Alfie, if you keep rolling your eyes you may find a brain back there," Joey laughs and I high-five him

We drive for about another 10 minutes until we reach the tattoo parlour. I park my car and we all climb out. Joey comes up to me and wraps his arm over my shoulder while Alfie just strolls in behind us. We walk up to the front desk.

"I'm sorry miss but this parlour is only for those a part of the Spanish-American mafia, and to be quite frank, you look a bit weak..." Her annoying-ass voice squeaks

"Listen her-" I start

"Karma...don't," Joey stops me, I look towards the girl and see she is staring at Joey. So I take out my gun and shoot her square in the eyes.

"Whoops, now where is the artist?" I laugh

"I'm right here," She comes out of the back of the shop and walks towards me, she has a sleeve full of tattoos and piercings all the way up her ear.

"You. Are. Stunning." I gawk

"Why, thank you, but I have a boyfriend," She flips her hair over her shoulder

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