"H-hi, I'm (y/n)! Sorry for stalking you. I totally wasn't being obvious" he mimicked your voice and mannerisms almost perfectly to a T, had it not been for the pitch being too high and unnatural

Your skin felt hot with embarrassment "WHY YOU LITTLE—"

"All jokes!" Tanjirou takes the glasses off, putting his hands up defensively, a half-smile still lingering on his face

You both stop in front of where Tanjirou lives

"Ah! Perfect timing. This is it." He says, walking up to the gate of the apartment complex

This place?! It's so...dreary

And dreary it was; the walls looked dingy and grey, the stairs were old and creaked underfoot, and the sour smell of cigarette smoke seemed to be trapped in this place.

"I know what you're thinking; this isn't really the nicest apartment or the nicest neighborhood..." Tanjirou pulls a key out of his backpack and inserts it into the door

"But it's home. Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting long."

You watch him enter the dark apartment room from the doorway, too afraid to enter. From inside you can hear some commotion from his family and a baby whimpering, but it's surprisingly quiet.

How could someone with such humble origins radiate so much kindness?

Perhaps I've misjudged his situation entirely. This is all so different from what I'm used to

He comes back a moment later, your skateboard in one hand and your glasses in the other

"You should get home as soon as possible. There are some unsavory characters out at this time"

You take the things from him with a soft smile "don't worry about me, I've gone home at night before. I'm more worried about my parents getting mad at me than encountering a pervert."

Tanjirou leans over you with his hand on the doorway "You sure? It doesn't feel right sending you out there alone"

You nod "yea, trust me. I'm gonna be fine,"

As you turn and start to walk away, you cast him a glance over your shoulder "see you at school on Friday! I'll be out for the whole week!"

"Text me when you get home" he replies

You didn't know it at the time, but he stayed on the balcony of the apartment to watch you walk away until you fully disappeared from view, to be absolutely sure. He doesn't know why, but he feels like he already knows you.

You push onward through the dimly lit street, accelerating as fast as you could on your skateboard with no concern for any other pedestrian's safety

Right now, you have only one thing on your mind, and it's getting home.

You swerve a few times, dodging past lampposts and fire hydrants, and even the occasional person standing around doing nothing

With your injury, you know you shouldn't be risking it, but you've already started so you may as well finish it

Clutching the convenience store bag tightly in one hand, you slow to a stop when you reach the bottom of the hill where you live

You stomp on the kick tail of the board and catch the other end, then flip it sideways to hold.

It's dark up there, with the trees and lack of lighting obscuring your view, but you can tell it's the path to your house


You swallowed hard, your palms sweating, feeling your heart race in your chest. The thing is, it wasn't out of the ordinary to see strangers loitering around...

You turn around to face the man who stood hunched over with a hoodie on

no, his presence itself wasn't the problem.

The problem was, he had his eyes fixed on you, standing motionless by the sidewalk

"Yeah, you. You sixteen?"

He steps toward you menacingly

NOPE. Not today, nope nope nope.

You backed away slowly at first, making sure he wouldn't move to chase you.

"Aww come on, don't run. I just wanna give you something" he reaches for you, but you move swiftly out of the way, scrambling backward into a tree

"GO AWAY!" You scream at the top of your lungs, throwing him off. Now's your chance

Once you thought you were out of reach, you turned and sprinted the other way, perhaps faster than you've ever run in your life.

Without exchanging another word, the attacker gives chase, but you're faster than him

No matter what happens I can't let him touch me!

You took a few smacks in the face from tree branches, but you were glad to have that over the man behind you

While innocently wanting to escape, you were leading him right to your house without even thinking of the consequences

Mom and dad...they're here?! Oh no

You leap out of the foliage and across the driveway, just passing through the headlights of your parent's car

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 [[Kimetsu Academy au]] (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now