"Sho. I'm so so so dead," you murmur, staring at the intimidating teachers. He squeezes your hand and gives you a somewhat reassuring smile.

"The tests now have a new focus. There will be hero work, of course. But also teamwork and combat between actual people!" Why is the principal so happy about this? This is NOT a good thing. Fighting... teachers?

You'll take your F now, please.

"So what does that mean for you?" Principal Nezu points at the students and you slightly shift behind Shoto. "You, students, will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be none other than our esteemed teachers!" RIP you. You count the group and notice there is now an uneven number. Aizawa looks at you and grins. Which is terrifying in itself since he almost never smiles.

"(Y/n), since your quirk is a bit unusual, you will be going against me by yourself." Well, now you were definitely ready to turn around and just ditch. Mina, Kami, and Kiri all gape at you as Bakugou looks like he's conflicted between laughing and yelling. Shoto's grip tightens reassuringly, while you sweatdrop once more under the pity of your fellow classmates. It's not like you can just say 'No thanks, I choose life.'

"Y- yes, s-sir," you mumble, banishing the fear from your gaze. As if you weren't nervous already. Now you were fighting Eraserhead. The pro hero who could banish your quirk and beat you in a heartbeat. Not to mention, now you don't have a partner. It's fine... great... amazing. Mhm. FANTASTIC.

"Additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on varying factors including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships." He then shows you all the teams, and you burst out laughing.

Yaoyorozu and Shoto vs Eraserhead

Midoriya and Katsuki vs. All might (To your never-ending amusement.)

Kiri and Sato vs. Cemento

Tokoyami and Tsu vs. Ectoplasm

Ojiro and Iida vs. Power Loader

Aoyama and Uraraka vs. Thirteen

Mina and Kami vs. Nezu

Jiro and Kota vs. Present Mic

Hagakure and Shoji vs. Snipe

Mineta and Sero vs. Midnight

And then there's you.

"STOP LAUGHING!" Katsuki scowls but never breaks the glare he has pinned on Izuku. "I'M PAIRED WITH THAT SHITTY NERD DEKU."

"I KNOW," you barely gasp out as you recall them in middle school. "Suki, you really need to work out a plan with him. At least you HAVE a partner." You say, calming down and giving him an amused look.

"Whatever, dumbass. Worry about your own fight." He snaps as you roll your eyes and watch Shoto and Yaoyorozu face off against Mr. Aizawa. Hopefully, you can use this as an opportunity to study Eraserhead's fighting style and weaknesses. All you have to do is handcuff him, or escape. Sounds easier than it is.

Shoto seems to be talking with Yaoyorozu as they run, and you really hope that they succeed. For some reason, Yaogorozu continues to make... Russian nesting dolls? Confusion clouds your thoughts as you try to strategize and figure out their plan. Lucky for you, Izuku is in his muttering phase as he watches the exam with invested interest. Eraserhead crouches from a high point, which makes sense since it can give him the view needed to use his quirk. He's sneaking up on them as the pair are talking, and all you want to do is warn them.

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