Evil Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

"When is she going to wake up?"

"Patience, boy. Since you didn't listen before, I've had to re-create the collar."

"Can you both shut the fuck up?" You rasp out, pressing a hand to the scarred skin around your neck. 

Your memories are blank and you blink groggily as the dual-haired boy looks relieved. The other person wears a lab coat as he asks you to stay still.

"Uh, sure? Watch the scars though."

He hums and gently clicks the machine in place.  Your mind goes blank before jump-starting.

Ugh. You're back.

Who are you?

Oh. I'm your inner voice. I help make decisions.

Lol. You sounded pretty annoyed. Am I that done with myself?

Trust me. You were pretty loud-headed. Anyway, I can fill you in. Heroes scarred you, and the boy with two hair colors is your boyfriend, Shoto. You're a villain and you always despised heroes in the past. Remember anything yet?

Uh, nope but I'm kinda pissed about the whole scar thing. Wait so the hottie is my boyfriend.


Blinking, you regain a sense of awareness before smiling at the person who is said to be your boyfriend. He hugs you, holding you as if he can't help himself. 

"You, darling, gave me quite the scare."

"Well, I'm alive so that's gotta count for something?" He chuckles darkly before pressing a kiss to your lips. You break for air and a wicked smirk lines your lips. "So... when can I beat up the asshole who made me look like this?"

"Anytime you want," he snickers, nodding goodbye to the doctor as he picks you up and carries you out into an alleyway to where a dark-haired man leans against the wall. "(Y/n), darling, meet my brother, Dabi."

"Uh, hi?"

"You look awful," he mutters, laughing when Shoto attempts to kick him in the shins. "Kidding but not really. Anyways Shigaraki says he wants us at the new base." 

The name Shigaraki sends intense anger through you, but you ignore it and pay attention. A purple-edged portal appears and Shoto brings you through. Blinking, you find yourself in a shabby apartment.


"Wow, you're definitely an extrovert," you exclaim, causing Shoto to snicker as he put you down.

"YUP! We're gonna be so close, bestie!!!!!!! Can I have some of your blood?"

Uh... what?



"No-" Shoto cut in, putting you behind him while giving her a deadly glare. A man with hands all over him walks into the room and looks at you before rolling his eyes and sitting down.

"Alright gang, here's the next plan of action.

*Five years later*

~ Summary of the last five years: You and Dabi are practically siblings, you still hate Shigaraki but you built up a tolerance, Toga and twice are your besties, and you've become quite the villain.~

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora