haha, im the dumb one??

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Mae got called insane for hitting a girl. The girl had called Mae dumb, which Mae certainly is not.

Imagine scalping that whore, Mae constantly thought.

Pulling her hair so hard then cutting the skin of her scalp and slowly peel it back. Then shove the hair down her throat until she begs for more.

"Say you want more, slut," Mae would tell

The girl would respond with muffled sobs.

"Say it, bitch." Mae would scream, whilst grabbing the girl's tongue and yanking it so hard until the sound of ripping flesh filled the air.

More sobs.

Mae would grab the severed, bloody tongue and bite a small chunk out, letting the metallic sweetness full her mouth until the girl's eyes widened, accompanied by a shrill shriek.

Through the sobs, the girl managed to sputter out, "Mhor-"

And with that, Mae dropped everything and walked away.

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