"WAKE UP! KRISTY!" Ryan shouted, and Derek and Nick came running over. Tears prickled in Ryan's green eyes as he continued to shake and urge Kristy to wake up.

"Ryan, mate, you got to let her go. There's nothing you can do now. We'll take care of her," Derek said, keeping his voice low as to prevent anyone from overhearing. He wanted to give his friend privacy even if he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Get off me Derek," Ryan snapped before turning back to the girl, his voice devolving back to the pained scream as he urged the girl to wake up. "KRISTY, PLEASE. YOU GOT TO WAKE UP!"

Henry sighed as he quickly made his way over from the barge, more than a little concerned for his best friend. As gently as he could, he started to pry Ryan's grip from the dead girl.

"HENRY, DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Ryan exclaimed, struggling against Derek and Nick's grip. "SHE'S NOT DEAD! KRISTY!"

The pain in Ryan's voice would be a sound Henry would never be able to get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried.

"She's de—."

"SHE'S NOT DEAD! SHE CAN'T BE!" Ryan shouted, wrenching his shoulder from Derek's grasp as he continued to shake Kristy, her body flopping like a rag doll in his grip. "KRISTINE! WAKE UP!"

"Ry, we've...we've got to. Come on, it's okay. I'll make sure she's taken care of," Henry said softly as he looked over at Derek in concern. Their best friend seemed to be completely beyond reason at this point. "She's go—."

"SHE'S. NOT. GONE! SHE'S JUST SLEEPING OR PULLING A PRANK OR SOMETHING!" Ryan shouted, but as his little sister continued to remain motionless, something in him snapped. It was as if part of his brain finally accepted it even as the other part valiantly fought to deny his reality. He slumped forward and Nick and Derek caught him before he landed in the pile of bodies that surrounded them.

"Derek, Nick, get him out of here," Henry said, making sure the order was as gentle yet as firm as he possibly could. "Jake, Dustin and I can finish up here."

"Guys, no. Don't, I'm fine," Ryan said softly as Derek started to lead him back to the ship. "Guys, seriously. Guys, get...GET OFF ME! NO! HENRY, DON'T YOU TOUCH HER! SHE'S NOT DEAD! GUYS!"

"Gods, I don't know who this girl is but if CJ catches him carrying on like this, she'll be jealous for sure," Nick muttered to Derek.

"If my hands weren't full making sure my best mate didn't run back there, I'd hit you," Derek said shortly. Ryan was scrambling against their grip, acting almost like a determined badger than a fourteen year old boy. It was clear that the girl had meant something to their friend and Derek wasn't going to let anyone in the crew taint her memory for Ryan.

They made their way back to the ship and CJ scurried over to them, concern evident in her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked, looking at Derek. "Harriet said there was a stampede at the barge but she didn't give any details."

"Let me get Ryan to the crew's quarters and I'll fill you in then," Derek promised.

"Do the Captain's quarters," Harriet said as she walked up. "Henry won't mind and something's clearly bothering Ryan. The crew's quarters aren't the best for privacy and the Captain's quarters has a door that locks."

Derek nodded and the four of them made their way to the Captain's quarters. Mal and Uma had taken up lodging here when they weren't spending the night in their clubhouse or with their parents. After Uma left to go to Auradon, Henry had reluctantly taken up lodging to free up a mattress in the crew's quarters.

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